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Melaleuca systena Craven
Coastal Honeymyrtle

Austral.Syst.Bot. 12:907 (1999)
Conservation Code
Not threatened
Naturalised Status
Native to Western Australia
Name Status

Erect to spreading shrub, (0.25-)0.5-2(-3) m high. Fl. yellow-cream, Feb to Mar or Aug to Dec. Sand over laterite, yellow/orange sand over limestone. Coastal stabilised dunes & rocky limestone.

Amanda Spooner, Descriptive Catalogue, 3 June 1999


IBRA Regions
Avon Wheatbelt, Geraldton Sandplains, Jarrah Forest, Swan Coastal Plain, Warren.
IBRA Subregions
Geraldton Hills, Lesueur Sandplain, Merredin, Perth, Southern Jarrah Forest, Warren.
IMCRA Regions
Central West Coast, Leeuwin-Naturaliste, WA South Coast.
Local Government Areas (LGAs)
Augusta Margaret River, Bunbury, Busselton, Carnamah, Claremont, Cockburn, Coorow, Cottesloe, Dalwallinu, Dandaragan, Fremantle, Gingin, Harvey, Irwin, Joondalup, Mandurah, Manjimup, Mosman Park, Mount Marshall, Nannup, Nedlands, Perth, Rockingham, Stirling, Wanneroo, Waroona.