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The journal of the Western Australian Herbarium

Current Issue: Volume 35

Updates to Western Australia’s vascular plant census for 2023

PARKER, C.M. AND PERCY-BOWER, J.M., Nuytsia 35: 1–11 (2024)

Three new species of Styphelia (Ericaceae: Epacridoideae: Styphelieae) from the central south coast of Western Australia

HISLOP, M., Nuytsia 35: 13–23 (2024)

Two new species in Pterostylis (Orchidaceae) in Western Australia

BROCKMAN, G. AND FRENCH, C.J., Nuytsia 35: 25–29 (2024)

New combinations of Hibbertia (Dilleniaceae) segregated from H. hibbertioides and H. glomerata

HAMMER, T.A. AND THIELE, K.R., Nuytsia 35: 31–45 (2024)

Infraspecific taxa within the southwest Australian species Hibbertia glomerata Benth. and H. hibbertioides (Steud.) J.R.Wheeler are critically re-evaluated. Morphological evidence is presented to recognise H. glomerata subsp. wandoo J.R.Wheeler and H. hibbertioides var. meridionalis J.R.Wheeler at species rank, as H. wandoo (J.R.Wheeler) T.Hammer & K.R.Thiele and H. meridionalis (J.R.Wheeler) T.Hammer & K.R.Thiele respectively. Hibbertia hibbertioides var. pedunculata J.R.Wheeler is reduced to synonymy under H. hibbertioides. The remaining subspecies in H. glomerata are provisionally retained but are marginally distinct.

Corrigendum to: Revision of the connate bract group allied to Goodenia panduriformis (Goodeniaceae), including recognition of three new species

SHEPHERD, K.A. AND LEPSCHI, B.J., Nuytsia 35: 47–47 (2024)

Calandrinia sp. Edel Land (F. Obbens FO 01/17) is a synonym of C. sphaerophylla (Montiaceae)

OBBENS, F.J., Nuytsia 35: 49–53 (2024)

Revision of the multi-ovulate species of Thysanotus (Asparagaceae), with three new species

MACFARLANE, T.D. AND FRENCH, C.J., Nuytsia 35: 55–76 (2024)

The group of Thysanotus species having more than two ovules per ovary locule (the multi-ovulate species) is taxonomically revised. The three previously described species, T. brachyantherus Brittan, T. lavanduliflorus Brittan and T. nudicaulis Brittan, are maintained and redescribed, with T. nudicaulis being redefined following removal of two new species previously included in its concept. Three new species are described: T. argillaceus T.Macfarlane & C.J.French, T. ellipsoideus T.Macfarlane & C.J.French and T. prospectus C.J.French & T.Macfarlane. The South Australian records of T. nudicaulis are recognised as belonging to T. ellipsoideus. A key to the group and illustrations of some characters are provided and all species are mapped and illustrated photographically.

Typifications in Malleostemon, Micromyrtus, Scholtzia and Thryptomene (Myrtaceae) and a nomenclatural update

WEGE, J.A. AND RYE, B.L., Nuytsia 35: 77–81 (2024)

As part of revisionary work in Myrtaceae tribe Chamelaucieae, lectotypes are selected for Malleostemon decipiens (W.Fitzg.) Trudgen, M. tuberculatus (E.Pritz.) J.W.Green, Micromyrtus imbricata Benth., M. sulphurea W.V.Fitzg., Scholtzia ciliata F.Muell., S. teretifolia Benth., S. uberiflora F.Muell. and Thryptomene kochii E.Pritz., and the type of Micromyrtus erichsenii Hemsl. is clarified. Micromyrtus chrysodema Rye is hypothesised to be a hybrid between M. flaviflora (F.Muell.) J.M.Black and a 2-ovulate, white-flowered species of Micromyrtus Benth.

Leucopogon longipes (Ericaceae: Epacridoideae: Styphelieae), a remarkable, new, short-range endemic from the Great Southern district of Western Australia

HISLOP, M. AND BARRETT, S.R., Nuytsia 35: 83–86 (2024)

A new combination in Cynodon for Brachyachne anisocarpa (Poaceae)

MACFARLANE, T.D., Nuytsia 35: 87–89 (2024)

Goodenia austrina and G. vanleeuweniana (Goodeniaceae), two new blue-flowered species from Western Australia

SAGE, L.W. AND SHEPHERD, K.A., Nuytsia 35: 91–99 (2024)

New taxa and a key for Thryptomene (Myrtaceae: Chamelaucieae: Thryptomeninae)

RYE, B.L., Nuytsia 35: 101–135 (2024)

A description is given for Thryptomene Endl. together with a key to all species and subspecies. Nine new Western Australian taxa are described as T. butleri Rye, T. caduca subsp. incurva Rye, T. conica Rye, T. dampieri subsp. capensis Rye, T. interzonensis Rye, T. jilbadji Rye, T. maritima Rye, T. maritima subsp. freycinetensis Rye and T. pieroniae Rye. Updated descriptions are given for T. caduca Rye & Trudgen, T. dampieri Rye and T. salina Rye & Trudgen and brief descriptions are given for three phrase-named taxa to inform future research. Thryptomene sp. Leinster (B.J. Lepschi & L.A. Craven 4362) is synonymised under T. decussata (W.Fitzg.) J.W.Green. Most of the new taxa are conservation-listed.

A new weed for Western Australia from Torndirrup National Park: Plecostachys serpyllifolia (Asteraceae)

HOPPER, STEPHEN D., Nuytsia 35: 137–140 (2024)