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The journal of the Western Australian Herbarium

New taxa and a key for Thryptomene (Myrtaceae: Chamelaucieae: Thryptomeninae)

A description is given for Thryptomene Endl. together with a key to all species and subspecies. Nine new Western Australian taxa are described as T. butleri Rye, T. caduca subsp. incurva Rye, T. conica Rye, T. dampieri subsp. capensis Rye, T. interzonensis Rye, T. jilbadji Rye, T. maritima Rye, T. maritima subsp. freycinetensis Rye and T. pieroniae Rye. Updated descriptions are given for T. caduca Rye & Trudgen, T. dampieri Rye and T. salina Rye & Trudgen and brief descriptions are given for three phrase-named taxa to inform future research. Thryptomene sp. Leinster (B.J. Lepschi & L.A. Craven 4362) is synonymised under T. decussata (W.Fitzg.) J.W.Green. Most of the new taxa are conservation-listed.

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