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The journal of the Western Australian Herbarium

Information for Authors

Nuytsia is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes original papers and short communications on the systematics, taxonomy and nomenclature of Australian (particularly Western Australian) plants, algae and fungi. Descriptions of taxa, revisions, identification guides, nomenclatural and taxonomic issues, systematic analyses and classifications, censuses, and information on invasive species are all considered. Special issues with collected papers on a selected topic within the scope of the journal are occasionally published. Book reviews are not accepted.

Nuytsia is an open access journal in which papers are made freely available. There are no page charges.

When preparing a manuscript please consult our Information for Authors for detailed formatting guidance. Manuscripts must be prepared using the Nuytsia styles template or short communication template and submitted electronically to the Managing Editor with a completed and signed submission form. Please refer to our Ethical Authorship Guidelines for further information. Note that short communications are usually concise (one to six pages in length) and as such are particularly useful for publishing one or two new taxa, typifications, updates or corrections to Flora treatments or revisions, and new records of native or weed species for Western Australia.

Figures must be provided in a format suitable for emailing out to review (i.e. at a suitable resolution and either embedded at the end of the Word file, or provided as a single PDF file).

Authors are also required to offer the names of two potential reviewers and provide their email addresses. In the spirit of reciprocity, submitting authors will be approached to review papers for Nuytsia.

Submitted papers should not be under consideration for publication elsewhere. All papers are subject to peer review and the Editorial Committee reserves the right to reject papers.