- Reference
- Acta Univ.Lund. 181 (1947)
- Conservation Code
- Not threatened
- Naturalised Status
- Native to Western Australia
- Name Status
- Current
Scientific Description
Habit and structure. Thallus pale to medium green, usually on rock in the mid or upper eulittoral, 0.5–5 cm high and 200–1000 µm broad, simple or proliferous from near the base, arising from a multicellular pad-like holdfast of cells which often become elongate but not rhizoidal. Cells irregularly arranged throughout the thallus, angular to rounded and isodiametric, 5–8 µm across. Chloroplast filling most of the cell and often slightly stellate, with a single central, prominent pyrenoid.
Reproduction.By quadriflagellate zoo(mito )spores.
Distribution.Widely distributed in temperate regions, usually in the mid eulittoral. In southern Australia from Proper Bay, Port Lincoln, S. Aust., to Botany Bay, N.S.W.
Habitat. B. minima grows on solid substrate in calm situations; probably more widespread.
[after Womersley, Mar. Benthic Fl. Southern Australia I: 150 (1984)]