- Reference
- Sp.Pl. [Linnaeus] 1:128 (1753)
- Conservation Code
- Not threatened
- Naturalised Status
- Alien to Western Australia
- Name Status
- Current
Prostrate to ascending, matted perennial, herb, to 0.05 m high. Fl. green, Mar or Jul or Sep. Damp situations.

- IBRA Regions
- Jarrah Forest, Swan Coastal Plain, Yalgoo.
- IBRA Subregions
- Perth, Southern Jarrah Forest, Tallering.
- IMCRA Regions
- WA South Coast.
- Local Government Areas (LGAs)
- Albany, Cambridge, Canning, Claremont, Manjimup, Perth, Stirling, Yalgoo.
Management Notes (for the Swan NRM Region)
Alternative Names. Bird-eye Pearlwort, Procumbent Pearlwort.
General Biology. Growth form. Herb. Life form. Perennial. Reproduction. Seed, stem and root fragments. Dispersal. Probably wind, soil, horses. Seedbank persistence. Long, 5+ years.
Notes. Naturalised in temperate regions and is invasive in some sub-Antarctic islands. Forms large, dense mats and can be difficult to eradicate due to its large persistent seed bank. The root system consists of a slender shallow taproot that divides into numerous secondary roots. Seedlings can reach maturity in several months and produce a large number of small, easily dispersed seed. Most germination occurs in light. Low growing and susceptible to competition from taller plants.
Additional information. Origin. Northern Africa, temperate Asia, Europe. History of use/introduction. Ornamental.
Suggested method of management and control. Hand remove small infestations. Try glyphosate at label rates on mature plants. Read the manufacturers' labels and material safety data sheets before using herbicides. For further information consult the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority to determine the status of permits for your situation or state.
Management Calendar
Calendar Type | Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec | Comments |
Germination | Y | Y | Y | ||||||||||
Active Growth | Y | Y | Y | Y | |||||||||
Flowering | Y | Y | Y | Y | |||||||||
Fruiting | Y | Y | Y | O | |||||||||
Manual Removal | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
Herbicide Treatment | Y | Y | Y |
Legend: Y = Yes, regularly, O = Occasionally, U = Uncertain, referred by others but not confirmed.
- Allwood, M. (2007) Procumbent pearlwort. Garden Organic, United Kingdom. URL: http://www.gardenorganic.org.uk/organicweeds/index.php - Accessed September 2010.
- Brown, K. & Brooks, K. (2002) Bushland Weeds: A Practical Guide to their Management. Environmental Weeds Action Network, Greenwood.
- Hussey, B.M.J., Keighery, G.J., Dodd, J., Lloyd, S.G. & Cousens, R.D. (2007) Western Weeds. A guide to the weeds of Western Australia. 2nd Edition. The Plant Protection Society of Western Australia, Victoria Park.
- Invasive Species Specialist Group (ISSG) of the IUCN Species Survival Commission (2008) Global Invasive Species Database: Sagina procumbens (herb). URL: http://www.issg.org/database/species/ecology.asp?si=1394&fr=1&sts=&lang=EN - Accessed September 2010.
- USDA, ARS, National Genetic Resources Program (2009) Germplasm Resources Information Network - (GRIN). National Germplasm Resources Laboratory, Beltsville, Maryland. URL: https://npgsweb.ars-grin.gov/gringlobal/taxon/taxonomysimple.aspx - Accessed October 2009.