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Parvocaulis exiguus (Solms) S.Berger, Fettweiss, Gleissberg, L.B.Liddle, U.Richt., Sawitzky & Zuccarello

Phycologia 42:559 (2003)
Conservation Code
Not threatened
Naturalised Status
Native to Western Australia
Name Status

Scientific Description

Habit and structure. Thallus upright, light green, up to 2.5 mm high, epilithic, with a short, terete stalk bearing a subapical whorl of gametangial rays. Stalk cylindrical, 300–400 µm in diameter, generally corrugated, the bands 25–40 µm thick, mostly interrupted and not forming complete rings.

Reproduction. Gametangial whorl 1.5–2.5 mm in diameter, with 5–10 rays, these basally attached but free distally, to 1 mm long, 300–400 µm broad, pod-shaped, with a tapering, sometimes slightly papillate apex, without basal protuberances. Gametangial cysts not seen.

Distribution. Known from numerous localities in the tropical Indian and Pacific oceans.