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Lasiopetalum drummondii Benth.

Fl.Austral. 1:264 (1863)
Conservation Code
Not threatened
Naturalised Status
Native to Western Australia
Name Status

Erect, slender shrub, (0.1-)0.3-0.7(-1) m high. Fl. pink/blue-purple/white-cream, Jul to Dec or Jan to Feb. Grey, white or yellow sand, often over laterite, gravel. Sandplains, hills.

Grazyna Paczkowska, Descriptive Catalogue, 1 October 1996

Scientific Description

Shrub, with hairy stems. Leaves 25-50 mm long, 2-26 mm wide, not lobed; margins entire; hairy, with stellate hairswith scales absent, Sessile glands absent; stipules apparently absent, even from youngest leaves. Perianth of two whorls but the corolla reduced to small scales or tiny lobes at the base of the ovary. Pedicel present, 2-4.2 mm long; indumentum present, with stellate hairs present, with scales absent. Epicalyx (extra segments or 'bracteoles' immediately below the calyx) present, 6-10 mm long, the lobes free, indumentum present, stellate hairs presentwith scales absent, Sessile glands absent. Calyx pink, 7-11 mm long, the lobes fused less than half their length, Sessile glands absent, simple hairs (without tubercle bases) absent, stellate hairs present, tubercle-based simple hairs absent, gland-tipped hairs absent, scales absent, Terminal appendages absent, number of ribs absent. Corolla 1.3-2 mm long, glabrous. Indumentum (outside) Sessile glands absent. Stamens five, free and inserted at the base of the ovary; filaments present, 1.5-1.7 mm long; anthers 1.8-3 mm long, indumentum absent (anthers glabrous). Staminodes absent, appendages absent. Ovary hairs or scales present, simple hairs absent, stellate hairs present, gland-tipped hairs absent; style 1, with a lobed or capitate stigma, 4.2-4.9 mm long, with one style branches or lobes, hairy for most of length, wing absent. Flowering time January, February, July, August, September, October, November or December. Distribution Botanical Province South-West, IBRA Bioregion Geraldton Sandplains, Swan Coastal Plain, Avon Wheatbelt, Mallee and Esperance.

C. Hollister and K.R. Thiele, 11 August 2023


IBRA Regions
Geraldton Sandplains, Swan Coastal Plain.
IBRA Subregions
Dandaragan Plateau, Geraldton Hills, Lesueur Sandplain, Perth.
IMCRA Regions
Central West Coast.
Local Government Areas (LGAs)
Carnamah, Coorow, Dandaragan, Irwin.