- Reference
- J.&Proc.Roy.Soc.New South Wales 59:175-177 (1925)
- Conservation Code
- Not threatened
- Naturalised Status
- Native to Western Australia
- Name Status
- Current
(Mallee) or tree, 1.5-4(-7) m high, bark smooth, white or greenish grey. Fl. white, Nov to Dec or Jan. White or yellow sand, often with gravel & over laterite.
- IBRA Regions
- Avon Wheatbelt, Esperance Plains, Geraldton Sandplains, Jarrah Forest, Mallee.
- IBRA Subregions
- Fitzgerald, Katanning, Lesueur Sandplain, Merredin, Northern Jarrah Forest, Recherche, Western Mallee.
- Local Government Areas (LGAs)
- Bruce Rock, Coorow, Corrigin, Cuballing, Cunderdin, Dandaragan, Dumbleyung, Jerramungup, Kent, Kondinin, Kulin, Lake Grace, Moora, Narrogin, Perenjori, Ravensthorpe, Tammin, Three Springs, Victoria Plains, Wagin, West Arthur, Wickepin, Williams, Woodanilling, Yilgarn, York.