- Reference
- Fl.Austral. 3:484-485 (1867)
- Conservation Code
- Not threatened
- Naturalised Status
- Native to Western Australia
- Name Status
- Current
Erect shrub, 0.2-1 m high. Fl. blue-purple-pink/white & yellow, Jan to Jul or Sep or Nov to Dec. White or yellow sand, sandy soils over laterite or granite, rocky loam. Sandplains, coastal slopes, granite outcrops, near creeks & rivers.

- IBRA Regions
- Avon Wheatbelt, Coolgardie, Esperance Plains, Geraldton Sandplains, Jarrah Forest, Mallee, Warren.
- IBRA Subregions
- Eastern Mallee, Fitzgerald, Katanning, Lesueur Sandplain, Merredin, Northern Jarrah Forest, Recherche, Southern Cross, Southern Jarrah Forest, Warren, Western Mallee.
- IMCRA Regions
- WA South Coast.
- Local Government Areas (LGAs)
- Albany, Beverley, Chittering, Coolgardie, Coorow, Cranbrook, Cuballing, Cunderdin, Dowerin, Dundas, Esperance, Gnowangerup, Greater Geraldton, Jerramungup, Kent, Kojonup, Kondinin, Lake Grace, Nannup, Northam, Plantagenet, Quairading, Ravensthorpe, Tammin, Wongan-Ballidu, Yilgarn.