Siegfriedia darwinioides C.A.Gardner

Siegfriedia, with the single species S. darwinioides, is a monotypic genus in the family Rhamnaceae. It is an attractive low shrub growing to 50 cm high with glabrous, oblong shaped leaves, glossy green on the upper surface and featuring contrasting rusty coloured hairs on the lower leaf surface and stems. It has a pendulous, bell-shaped inflorescence surrounded by prominent broad bracts. This characteristic is also seen in the genus Darwinia, hence the species epithet darwinioides.
Endemic to Western Australia, Siegfriedia darwinioides occurs from east of the Stirling Ranges to Esperance, with most records from the Ravensthorpe area. The yellow-green, bell-like flowers can be seen in open mallee woodlands from April to August.
Photo: R. Davis