Corymbia ptychocarpa (F.Muell.) K.D.Hill & L.A.S.Johnson subsp. ptychocarpa

It’s not often we get to showcase flora from the Kimberley, but this month’s subject is a stand-out. Corymbia ptychocarpa subsp. ptychocarpa (Swamp Blood Wood) is an attractive, medium-sized tree with a broad crown and long, drooping, leafy branchlets.
It has impressive bursts of pink flower buds and flowers, which can be seen from February to May.
The Swamp Blood Wood can be found throughout the north Kimberley and into NT and Qld and is frequent but localised on alluvial sand deposits along creeks, often in permanently wet situations near swamps, hence the common name. This subspecies can be separated from its relative Corymbia ptychocarpa subsp. aptycha by having prominently ribbed flower buds and fruits. Subspecies aptycha has smooth flower buds and fruits and only occurs in the NT.
Photo: R. Davis
Find out more about Corymbia ptychocarpa (F.Muell.) K.D.Hill & L.A.S.Johnson subsp. ptychocarpa