Thryptomene decussata (W.Fitzg.) J.W.Green

Thryptomene decussata is an erect, open shrub that typically grows to a height of 0.6–3 m. It has upwardly pointing to widely spreading, egg-shaped leaves, and white or pink flowers with five petals and 16–40 stamens in two whorls. The species is very unusual in having a large number of stamens, as almost all other Thryptomene species have less than 16 (mostly just 5 to 10). Flowering occurs from May to November.
Thryptomene decussata is widely distributed in semi-arid and arid areas, extending from near Shark Bay inland to Lee Steere Range and to Melita Station, near Leonora, where it commonly occurs on lateritic breakaways and other high rocky areas.
Dr Barbara Rye, of the Western Australian Herbarium is an incredibly prolific taxonomist and the source of many new names and descriptions of plants, most recently in Thryptomene.
Photo: S. Dillon
Find out more about Thryptomene decussata (W.Fitzg.) J.W.Green.