Acacia Miscellany 15. Five groups of microneurous species of Acacia (Leguminosae : Mimosoideae : section Plurinerves), mostly from Western Australia
Five informal groupings of new and previously described species are reviewed, including a key to the taxa of each group and descriptions or re-descriptions of each taxon. The "A. densiflora Group" includes A. densiflora Morrison, A. eremophila W. Fitzg. and A. mackeyana Ewart & Jean White in addition to the following new taxa: A. dissona R.S. Cowan & Maslin, A. dissona var. indoloria R.S. Cowan & Maslin, A. hadrophylla R.S. Cowan & Maslin, A. kalgoorliensis R.S. Cowan & Maslin, A. papulosa R.S. Cowan & Maslin and A. undosa R.S. Cowan & Maslin. The "A. ancistrophylla Group" comprises two new species (A. amyctica R.S. Cowan & Maslin and A. whibleyana R.S. Cowan & Maslin), in addition to A. ancistrophylla C.R.P. Andrews which is treated here as consisting of three varieties (the typical variety, var. perarcuata R.S. Cowan & Maslin, var. nov. and var. lissophylla (J.M. Black) R.S. Cowan & Maslin). The "A. enervia Group" is made up of A. enervia Maiden & Blakely with two subspecies (the typical subspecies and subsp. explicata R.S. Cowan & Maslin_), A. lineolata_ Benth. with two subspecies (the typical one and subsp. multilineata (W. Fitzg.) R.S. Cowan & Maslin, comb. et stat. nov.) and A. inceana Domin with two subspecies (the typical one and subsp. conformis R.S. Cowan & Maslin). The "A. fragilis Group" includes three new species (A. aulacophylla R.S. Cowan & Maslin_, A. consanguinea_ R.S. Cowan & Maslin and A. ophiolithica R.S. Cowan & Maslin) in addition to A. assimilis S. Moore with two subspecies (subsp. assimilis and subsp. atroviridis R.S. Cowan & Maslin, subsp. nov.), A. fragilis Maiden & Blakely and A. uncinella Benth. Finally, the "A. dielsii Group" comprises two new species (A. nivea R.S. Cowan & Maslin and A. obesa R.S. Cowan & Maslin) in addition to A. dielsii E. Pritz. itself. Selection of lectotypes is recorded for the following taxa: A. eremophila W. Fitzg. var. variabilis Maiden & Blakely, A. ancistrophylla C.R.P. Andrews var. lissophylla (J.M. Black) R.S. Cowan & Maslin, A. lineolata Benth., A. mackeyana Ewart & Jean White and A. assimilis S. Moore.