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The journal of the Western Australian Herbarium

Two new Western Australian species segregated from Banksia densa (Proteaceae)

Banksia densa A.R.Mast & K.R.Thiele has until now been regarded as a widespread species in the Western Australian wheatbelt, comprising a widespread nominate variety and a geographically more restricted variety in the southern part of its range (var. parva (A.S.George) A.R.Mast & K.R.Thiele). An informally recognised morphological variant, which matches the type of the species, is geographically restricted to an area on the edge of the species range in the immediate vicinity of Corrigin. Morphological assessment shows that the Corrigin form differs significantly in leaf morphology from the remainder of the species and comprises the true B. densa. The widespread taxon previously referred to as B. densa var. densa, and the southern var. parva, are here raised to species rank as B. zygocephala K.R.Thiele sp. nov. and B. parva (A.S.George) K.R.Thiele comb. et stat. nov. respectively.