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The journal of the Western Australian Herbarium

Volume 9 Number 1

Issue Date: 11 June 1993


New series, subseries, species and subspecies of Eucalyptus (Myrtaceae) from Western Australia and from South Australia

BROOKER, M.I.H. AND HOPPER, STEPHEN D., Nuytsia 9 (1): 1–68 (1993)

Three new series, six new subseries, twenty-two new species and twenty new subspecies of Eucalyptus are described. New taxa are treated in the order and nomenclature of the Flora of Australia Volume 19 (1988) from which we deviate only when we consider an updated treatment necessary. The new series Falcatae is erected and divided into two subseries, Falcatae and Decipientes. The series Micrantherae s.s. is expanded to include the new subseries Bakerianae, and a new series Balladonienses is erected. E. lane-poolei of series Curviptera is segregated in the new E. subseries Inflexae, E. caesia in the new E. series Caesiae, while E. series Orbifoliae comprises the remaining Minni Ritchi species. A new subseries Cupreanae is erected in E. series Lucasianae. Diagnostic notes on each taxonomic series are given at the head of the relevant groups of species throughout the paper. The new taxa are illustrated, except for E. ebbanoensis subsp. photina and E. marginata subsp. thalassica for which leaf colour and leaf gloss are the diagnostic characters, E. marginata subsp. elegantella and E. macrocarpa subsp. elachantha for which habit, bark characters and leaf, bud and fruit dimensions are the diagnostic characters and E. decipiens subspp. chalara and adesmophloia for which bark characters only are diagnostic. Distribution maps are provided. All the new taxa are endemic to Western Australia except for E. glomerosa and E. kingsmillii subsp. alatissima, both of which extend into the desert region of South Australia.

Acacia Miscellany 7. Acacia sulcata and related taxa (Leguminosae : Mimosoideae) in Western Australia

COWAN, R.S. AND MASLIN, B.R., Nuytsia 9 (1): 69–78 (1993)

A key is presented to the nine taxa of the informal “A. sulcata group”, followed by a review of A. sulcata R. Br., including the description of a new variety A. sulcata var. planoconvexa Cowan & Maslin; in addition, a new variety of A. brachyphylla Benth. is described (var. recurvata Cowan & Maslin) and a new species, A. octonervia Cowan & Maslin. In addition, A. nitidula Benth. and A. sulcata var. platyphylla have been lectotypified.

Acacia Miscellany 8. Acacia masliniana (Leguminosae : Mimosoideae : section Plurinerves), a new species of Western Australia

COWAN, R.S., Nuytsia 9 (1): 79–82 (1993)

Acacia masliniana is described and compared with related taxa in the context of a discussion of their morphological character states.

Acacia Miscellany 9. The taxonomic status of Acacia coriacea (Leguminosae : Mimosoideae : section Plurinerves)

COWAN, R.S. AND MASLIN, B.R., Nuytsia 9 (1): 83–90 (1993)

Acacia coriacea DC. is regarded as comprising three subspecies, subsp. coriacea (which is here lectotypified), subsp. pendens Cowan & Maslin, subsp. nov. and subsp. sericophylla (F. Muell.) Cowan & Maslin, comb. et stat. nov. These are described and compared with the similar appearing A. stenophylla; a key is provided to distinguish the four taxa.

A new species of Restionaceae from south-western Australia

DIXON, K.W., MENEY, K.A. AND PATE, J.S., Nuytsia 9 (1): 91–94 (1993)

Restio isomorphus is a new species of Australian Restionaceae from a restricted area in the south-west of Western Australia. Rhizome morphology and ecological factors likely to influence the conservation status of this species are discussed.

Drummondita wilsonii, Philotheca langei and P. basistyla (Rutaceae), new species from south-west Western Australia

MOLLEMANS, F.H., Nuytsia 9 (1): 95–109 (1993)

One new species of Drummondita and two new species of Philotheca are described. All three taxa are apparently rare, each restricted to limited geographic areas. _Drummondita wilsonii_is similar to D. ericoides, but has unequal calyx segments in common with D. miniata. Philotheca langei and P. basistyla both have affinities with Eriostemon falcatus which is currently presumed extinct. Similarities between D. wilsonii, D. ericoides and D. miniata, pollination mechanisms and flower colour variation in Drummondita, distribution and flowering time of the D. ericoides group (which includes D. miniata and D. wilsonii) and the evolutionary history of the Drummondita ericoides group, D. hassellii group and D. calida are discussed.

The status, ecology and relationships of Meziella (Haloragaceae)

ORCHARD, A.E. AND KEIGHERY, G.J., Nuytsia 9 (1): 111–117 (1993)

The monotypic genus Meziella has until now been known only from its very fragmentary and immature type. Because of this its status as a genus and relationships have been unclear, and its description has been incomplete. Recent rediscovery of the species has allowed a full description to be prepared for the first time. It is now confirmed that Meziella is a distinct genus, intermediate in many respects between Haloragis and Myriophyllum. Its somewhat bizarre features are described, its ecology discussed, and a revised key to the Australian genera of the family is provided.

Thomasia glabripetala (Sterculiaceae), a new species from south-west Western Australia

PATRICK, S.J., Nuytsia 9 (1): 119–122 (1993)

A new species of Thomasia (Sterculiaceae) is described and illustrated, namely Thomasia glabripetala S.J. Patrick, endemic to the Avon Botanical District of the South-West Botanical Province of Western Australia. This is a declared rare species which, until recently, has been confused with Thomasia montana Steudel.

Croninia kingiana (Epacridaceae), a change in status for Leucopogon kingianus

POWELL, J.M., Nuytsia 9 (1): 123–130 (1993)

Leucopogon kingianus, an endemic Western Australian species exhibiting features atypical of Leucopogon is transferred to the new monotypic genus Croninia J. Powell as C. kingiana (F. Muell.) J. Powell.

Cytological notes in Rutaceae. 1 Boronia tenuis

STACE, HELEN M. AND PATRICK, S.J., Nuytsia 9 (1): 131–133 (1993)

A new chromosome number determination for Boronia tenuis (n=16) corrects a prior report and has implications for the cytotaxonomy of Boronia in Western Australia.