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The journal of the Western Australian Herbarium


Volumes 1–14 are available for download via the Biodiversity Heritage Library’s (BHL) page for Nuytsia.

Displaying records 1–8 of 8.

Dedication to Richard Somner Cowan, 23 January 1921-17 November 1997

MASLIN, B.R., Nuytsia 12 (3): 309–310 (1999)


Acacia miscellany. 16, the taxonomy of fifty-five species of Acacia, primarily Western Australian, in section Phyllodineae (Leguminosae: Mimosoideae)

MASLIN, B.R., Nuytsia 12 (3): 311–411 (1999)


Acacia miscellany. 17, miscellaneous new taxa and lectotypifications in Western Australian Acacia, mostly section Plurinerves (Leguminosae: Mimosoideae)

COWAN, R.S. AND MASLIN, B.R., Nuytsia 12 (3): 413–452 (1999)


Acacia miscellany. 18, the taxonomy of miscellaneous species of with sharply pungent phyllodes in Acacia section Plurinerves (Leguminosae: Mimosoideae)

COWAN, R.S. AND MASLIN, B.R., Nuytsia 12 (3): 453–467 (1999)


Acacia miscellany. 19, the taxonomy of some Western Australian species of Acacia section Juliflorae with 4-merous flowers (Leguminosae: Mimosoideae)

MASLIN, B.R. AND CHAPMAN, A.R., Nuytsia 12 (3): 469–486 (1999)


Acacia miscellany. 20, descriptions of three new Western Australian species of Acacia section Juliflorae (Leguminosae: Mimosoideae)

CHAPMAN, A.R. AND MASLIN, B.R., Nuytsia 12 (3): 487–491 (1999)


Acacia amputata, a new Western Australian species in section Pulchellae (Leguminosae: Mimosoideae)

MASLIN, B.R., Nuytsia 12 (3): 493 (1999)


Acacia hopperiana sp. nov. (Leguminosae: Mimosoideae)

MASLIN, B.R., Nuytsia 12 (3): 495–496 (1999)
