Volumes 1–14 are available for download via the Biodiversity Heritage Library’s (BHL) page for Nuytsia.
Displaying records 21–27 of 27.
Nomenclatural changes in Chenopodium (incl. Rhagodia) (Chenopodiaceae), with considerations on relationships of some Australian taxa and their possible Eurasian relatives
MOSYAKIN, S.L. AND IAMONICO, D., Nuytsia 28: 255–271 (2017)
Following recent molecular phylogenetic results, species earlier placed in Rhagodia R.Br. were transferred to Chenopodium L. (Chenopodiaceae). However, three new species-level combinations proposed were later homonyms and thus illegitimate under ICN Art. 53.1. The new name C. wilsonii S.Fuentes, Borsch & Uotila [= C. crassifolium (R.Br.) S.Fuentes & Borsch, comb. illeg.] has been already proposed for one of these species. We propose here two new replacement names, C. robertianum Iamonico & Mosyakin, nom. nov. [≡ R. hastata R.Br. ≡ C. hastatum (R.Br.) S.Fuentes & Borsch, comb. illeg.] and C. benthamii Iamonico & Mosyakin, nom. nov. [≡ R. crassifolia R.Br. var. latifolia Benth. ≡ C. latifolium (Benth.) S.Fuentes & Borsch, comb. illeg.]. One new combination, C. benthamii subsp. rectum (Paul G.Wilson) Iamonico & Mosyakin, comb. nov. [≡ R. latifolia (Benth.) Paul G.Wilson subsp. recta Paul G.Wilson] is also validated. Indications of ‘holotypes’ of R. hastata by Scott and R. crassifolia var. latifolia by Wilson are corrected to lectotypes according to ICN Art. 9.9. Possible relationships and biogeographical links of Australian species earlier placed in Rhagodia, Einadia Raf., and Australian endemic groups of Chenopodium (sections Auricoma Aellen, Desertorum Paul G.Wilson, Rhagodioides Benth. etc.) with Eurasian taxa of Chenopodium (in particular, C. sect. Acuminata Ignatov, C. frutescens C.A.Mey., and newly recognised C. sect. Vulvaria (Standl.) Iamonico & Mosyakin, comb. nov.) are also discussed. Earlier predictions of these possible relationships are emphasised and new predictions are made, which should be tested by molecular phylogenetic and other methods.
A revision of the Lasiopetalum floribundum group (Malvaceae), including recognition of four new species
SHEPHERD, K.A. AND WILKINS, C.F., Nuytsia 28: 273–298 (2017)
This revision focuses on Lasiopetalum floribundum Benth. and six morphologically allied Western Australian species. This group is characterised by loose dichasial or monochasial inflorescences comprising small, pink or white flowers subtended by a narrow, non-petaloid, epicalyx bract and having reflexed, stellate hairs on the style. Three new species of conservation significance from east and north of Perth are named as L. caroliae K.A.Sheph., L. rutilans K.A.Sheph. & C.F.Wilkins and L. moullean K.A.Sheph. & C.F.Wilkins, and a new species from the Margaret River region, L. occidentale K.A.Sheph. & C.F.Wilkins, is also recognised. Revised descriptions are provided for L. floribundum (which is lectotypified), L. glabratum Paust and the Threatened species L. pterocarpum E.M.Benn. & K.A.Sheph. A key to the group is included along with images and distribution maps.
Ptilotus benlii (Amaranthaceae), a new species from Western Australia
DAVIS, R.W. AND HAMMER, T.A., Nuytsia 28: 299–302 (2017)
A taxonomic update of Brachyloma (Ericaceae: Epacridoideae: Styphelieae) in Western Australia
HISLOP, M. AND CRANFIELD, R.J., Nuytsia 28: 303–316 (2017)
Three new Western Australian species of Brachyloma Sond., B. djerral Cranfield & Hislop, B. elusum Hislop & Cranfield and B. pirara Cranfield & Hislop, are described and illustrated. All three are of conservation concern. A new combination, B. geissoloma (F.Muell.) Cranfield, is published to replace the illegitimate name B. concolor F.Muell. ex Benth. The following manuscript names are synonymised: B. ericoides subsp. occidentale Cranfield ms, B. geissoloma subsp. collinum Cranfield ms, B. geissoloma subsp. ovatum Cranfield ms and B. moolya Cranfield ms under B. geissoloma; B. jillup Cranfield ms, B. preissii subsp. lanceolatum Cranfield ms, B. preissii subsp. obtusifolium Cranfield ms and B. tamminense Cranfield ms under B. preissii Sond. A lectotype is designated for B. preissii. An updated key to the Western Australian species of Brachyloma is provided.
Reinstatement of Hypocalymma linifolium and lectotypification of H. xanthopetalum (Myrtaceae: Chamelaucieae)
RYE, B.L., Nuytsia 28: 317–320 (2017)
A revision of the Calytrix acutifolia complex (Myrtaceae: Chamelaucieae)
NGE, F.J., KEIGHERY, G.J. AND THIELE, K.R., Nuytsia 28: 321–337 (2017)
In this taxonomic review of the Calytrix acutifolia (Lindl.) Craven species complex we recognise four species, one of which (C. retrorsifolia Nge & Keighery) is described as new. Lhotskya hirta Regel is recombined into Calytrix Labill. as C. hirta (Regel)Nge & K.R.Thiele, while L. scabra Turcz. is recombined as C. cravenii Nge & K.R.Thiele. Calytrix acutifolia s. str. is recircumscribed as the fourth member of the complex.
A taxonomic revision of the basin-like rosetted triggerplants of the Stylidium piliferum complex (Stylidiaceae) from south-western Australia
LOWRIE, A. AND KENNEALLY, K.F., Nuytsia 28: 339–382 (2017)
A taxonomic revision of the basin-like rosetted triggerplants of the Stylidium piliferum R.Br. complex (Stylidiaceae) from the south-west of Western Australia is presented. Fifteen species are recognised including the new species S. amphora Lowrie & Kenneally, S. bindoon Lowrie & Kenneally, S. monticola Lowrie & Kenneally, S. nitidum Lowrie & Kenneally, S. ponticulus Lowrie & Kenneally, S. salmoneum Lowrie & Kenneally, S. strigosum Lowrie & Kenneally and S. vinosum Lowrie & Kenneally. Revised descriptions are provided for seven named species: S. bicolor Lindl., S. ciliatum Lindl., S. ferricola Wege & Keighery, S. hispidum Lindl., S. miniatum Mildbr., S. piliferum and S. pubigerum Sond. All species are illustrated and a key is also provided.