Volumes 1–14 are available for download via the Biodiversity Heritage Library’s (BHL) page for Nuytsia.
Displaying records 1–4 of 4
Five new species of Calandrinia (Portulacaceae) from Western Australia with additional information on morphological observations
OBBENS, F.J., Nuytsia 21 (1): 1–23 (2011)
Four new Western Australian species in Calandrinia section Pseudodianthoideae von Poellnitz are described as: C. flava Obbens C. tholiformis Obbens, C. sculpta Obbens & J.G.West and C. vernicosa Obbens. A fifth species of uncertain sectional placement is described as C. pentavalvis Obbens. One of the new species is found solely in coastal areas of the South West Botanical Province, one occurs within the Eremaean Botanical Province while the remaining three occur in both these regions. Notes on some field and laboratory observations of the morphology of Calandrinia are discussed.
Wurmbea fluviatilis (Colchicaceae), a new riverine species from the Gascoyne region of Western Australia
MACFARLANE, T.D. AND CASE, A.L., Nuytsia 21 (1): 25–30 (2011)
A new species of Wurmbea, W. fluviatilis T.Macfarlane & A.Case, is described and illustrated with photographs and a distribution map. The new species is known from only three populations from the Gascoyne River catchment in the region of Mount Augustus, growing on river banks and beside riverside pools. It is a relatively tall, attractive species with bi-coloured flowers.
Valid publication of Ptilotus stirlingii subsp. australis (Amaranthaceae)
DAVIS, R.W. AND BUTCHER, R., Nuytsia 21 (1): 31–32 (2011)
In an oversight in a paper (Davis & Butcher 2010) resolving the status of infraspecific taxa in Ptilotus stirlingii (Lindl.) F.Muell. the Latin diagnosis for the new subspecies Ptilotus stirlingii subsp. australis R.W.Davis & R.Butcher was omitted, thereby rendering the name invalidly published under the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature. This omission is rectified here, and the new subspecies formally described.
Removal of the informal name Epiblema grandiflorum var. cyaneum ms from the Census of Western Australian Plants
THIELE, K.R., Nuytsia 21 (1): 33–34 (2011)
While conservation of unusual variants of any plant species is desirable, taxonomic recognition of such variants is not warranted unless evidence is available that they represent genetically distinct evolutionary lineages. Geographically restricted variants such as E. grandiflorum var. cyaneum ms are no more likely to warrant taxonomic recognition than widespread and common variants. Removal of Epiblema grandiflorum var. cyaneum ms from the Census of Western Australian Plants is recommended.