Volumes 1–14 are available for download via the Biodiversity Heritage Library’s (BHL) page for Nuytsia.
Displaying records 1–3 of 3
Eremophila koobabbiensis (Scrophulariaceae), a new, rare species from the wheatbelt of Western Australia
CHINNOCK, R.J. AND DOLEY, A.B., Nuytsia 21 (4): 157–162 (2011)
Eremophila koobabbiensis Chinnock, sp.nov., is described and illustrated. This rare species is known only from one area north of Moora and its conservation is discussed. It is also established in cultivation and its long-term survival is assured.
A reinstatement and a new combination in Leucopogon (Ericaceae: Styphelioideae: Styphelieae)
HISLOP, M., Nuytsia 21 (4): 163–176 (2011)
The group of species synonymised by Bentham (1868) under Leucopogon revolutus R.Br. are re-examined and found to be heterogeneous. As a result L. rubricaulis R.Br. is reinstated. Two morphotypes identified within L. obovatus (Labill.) R.Br. (erroneously treated by Bentham as L. revolutus) are described as subspecies and the combination L. obovatus (Labill.) R.Br. subsp. revolutus (R.Br.) Hislop is here published. Descriptions and illustrations are provided for the three taxa treated and their distributions are mapped.Lectotypes are designated for L. capitellatus DC. var. sparsiflorus Sond., L. revolutus, L. rubricaulis and L. villosus R.Br.
Amanita ochroterrea and Amanita brunneiphylla (Basidiomycota), one species or two?
DAVISON, E.M., Nuytsia 21 (4): 177–184 (2011)
Amanita ochroterrea (Gentilli) Bas and A. brunneiphylla O.K.Miller are robust, macroscopically similar mushrooms described from the southwest of Western Australia. According to the protologue of A. brunneiphylla, the main difference between them is the presence (in A. ochroterrea) or absence (in A. brunneiphylla) of clamp connections. However in the current study abundant clamp connections have been observed in the holotype and paratypes of A. brunneiphylla. As other microscopic characters are indistinguishable, A. brunneiphylla is synonymised with A. ochroterrea, and an expanded description presented.