Volumes 1–14 are available for download via the Biodiversity Heritage Library’s (BHL) page for Nuytsia.
Displaying records 1–4 of 4
Leucopogon navicularis (Ericaceae: Styphelioideae: Styphelieae), another local endemic from the midwest region of Western Australia
HISLOP, M., Nuytsia 22 (2): 45–50 (2012)
Leucopogon navicularis Hislop, a new and potentially rare species, is described, illustrated and its distribution mapped.
Acacia bartlei (Fabaceae: Mimosoideae), a new species from near Esperance, Western Australia
MASLIN, B.R. AND REID, J.E., Nuytsia 22 (2): 51–56 (2012)
Acacia bartlei Maslin & J.E.Reid, a new, rare species of Acacia Mill. related to A. redolens Maslin, is described. It is restricted to a small area north and north east of Esperance, Western Australia, where it grows in often waterlogged depressions.
Five new species and records of Inocybe (Agaricales) from temperate and tropical Australia
BOUGHER, N.L. AND MATHENY, P.B., Nuytsia 22 (2): 57–74 (2012)
Five species of Inocybe are documented from Australia, four from southern temperate regions and one from the northern tropics. Inocybe emergens, previously known only from the type collection in South Australia, is reported for the first time from south-west Western Australia. Inocybe fulvilubrica Matheny, Bougher & G.Gates and I. redolens Matheny, Bougher & G.Gates are both described from Western Australia and Tasmania. Inocybe fulvilubrica has nodulose spores, a yellowish brown pileus that may be viscid or greasy and bears patches of white velar material, and a white pruinose stipe with a marginate bulb. Inocybe redolens is distinguished by the combination of nodulose spores, a squamulose disc, lack of caulocystidia, and an odour of Pelargonium. Inocybe sinuospora Matheny & Bougher known only from southwest Western Australia, has distinctive oblong- angular spores with a sinuous outline. Inocybe torresiae Matheny, Bougher & M.D.Barrett is a tropical species with nodulose spores described from forests in northern Western Australia and Queensland. It is distinguished by its truncate or sessile hymenial cystidia, presence of caulocystidia, and sweet or citrine odour.
Three new species allied to the ‘Mirbelia viminalis group’ (Fabaceae: Mirbelieae), from Western Australia
BUTCHER, R., Nuytsia 22 (2): 75–92 (2012)
Mirbelia balsiformis R.Butcher, M. corallina R.Butcher and M. ferricola R.Butcher are described herein as new species allied to the ‘M. viminalis group’ Of the newly described species, M. balsiformis is widely distributed between Kalbarri and Shark Bay, and is not conservation-listed, while M. corallina and M. ferricola are listed as Priority Three conservation taxa in Western Australia. Mirbelia corallina is restricted to sandplains in the Kalbarri area, with most collections from Kalbarri National Park. Mirbelia ferricola is restricted to Banded Iron Formation ranges between the Koolanooka Hills, east of Morawa, and the Bremer Range, west of Norseman. Although this species has a wide area of occupancy, the biodiverse ranges on which it occurs are small, disjunct islands in an otherwise subdued landscape, and are highly prospective for mining. The putative taxon M. sp. Carnarvon (J.S. Beard 6008), previously poorly defined, appears to be a recognisable variant within the variable M. ramulosa (Benth.) C.A.Gardner. The name is retained on Western Australia’s plant census, however, until its status can be clarified by a comprehensive study of variation in M. ramulosa across its range. This paper describes, illustrates and provides distribution maps for M. balsiformis, M. corallina and M. ferricola, and distinguishes them from similar, scale-leaved Mirbelia Sm. species in Western Australia. A key to species of the ‘M. viminalis group’ is also provided.