Volumes 1–14 are available for download via the Biodiversity Heritage Library’s (BHL) page for Nuytsia.
Displaying records 1–9 of 9
A revision of the Australian species of Salicornieae (Chenopodiaceae)
WILSON, PAUL G., Nuytsia 3 (1): 3–154 (1980)
Five new taxa of Ptilotus (Amaranthaceae) from Western Australia
BENL, G., Nuytsia 3 (2): 157–172 (1980)
Three species and two varieties are described as new, viz P. marduguru sp. nov., P. aphyllus sp. nov., P. stipitatus sp. nov., P. divaricatus var. rubescens var. nov., P. drummondii var. elongatus var. nov. Their relationships are discussed. The new species are illustrated by analytical drawings of the flowers; photos of all type specimens are provided. In addition a key to the P. drummondii complex is given.
A new species of Eucalyptus from the margins of salt lakes in Western Australia
CARR, S.G.M AND CARR, D.J., Nuytsia 3 (2): 173–178 (1980)
A new species (Eucalyptus halophila) is described. It is included in the informal series "Bisectae" but appears to have no close affinity with any other species. It is characterized by persistent spiral phyllotaxis and stomata with anterior chambers occluded by cutinised polar wall ingrowths.
A new species and a new combination in Darwinia (Myrtaceae) from Western Australia
MARCHANT, N.G. AND KEIGHERY, G.J., Nuytsia 3 (2): 179–182 (1980)
Darwinia wittwerorum sp. novo is described and illustrated and a new combination, Darwinia oxylepis (Turcz.) comb. novo is made. Both species occur in the Stirling Range National Park, south western Australia.
Thryptomene and Micromyrtus (Myrtaceae) in Central Australia - new species and notes
GREEN, J.W., Nuytsia 3 (2): 183–209 (1980)
Seven species of Thryptomene and eight of Micromyrtus from arid and semi-arid regions of inland Australia are described and illustrated. Notes on the species and maps of their distribution are given and keys to their identity provided. Six are described as new (T. naviculata, T. wittweri, T. nealensis, M. barbata, M. fimbrisepala and M. serrulata) and new combinations (M. helmsii and M. stenocalyx) are made for two others.
A new species of Urocarpus (Rutaceae) from Western Australia
WILSON, PAUL G., Nuytsia 3 (2): 211–213 (1980)
A new species of Urocarpus Drumm. ex Harv. (Rutaceae) is described from near Bindoon, Western Australia. It differs from U. grandiflorus (Hook.) P. G. Wilson in having narrowly oblong leaves and smaller flowers which are white in colour. In carpel number it provides a link between Urocarpus s.str. and Asterolasia F. Muell., supporting the suggestion that the latter genus should not be maintained.
Reinstatement of the genus Kippistia F. Muell. (Asteraceae, Astereae)
LANDER, N.S. AND BARRY, RHONDA, Nuytsia 3 (2): 215–220 (1980)
The Australian monotypic genus Kippistia F. Muell., previously included under Minuria DC., is reinstated. Distinguishing features are presented and the single species, K. suaedifolia, is redescribed; nomenclatural notes and a distribution map are provided.
A review of the genus Minuria DC. (Asteraceae, Astereae)
LANDER, N.S. AND BARRY, RHONDA, Nuytsia 3 (2): 221–237 (1980)
Three new species in the Australian genus Minuria are described: M. chippendalei from the Northern Botanical Province of Western Australia and the Darwin and Gulf District of the Northern Territory; M. gardneri from the Eremaean and South West Botanical Provinces of Western Australia and the North Western Botanical Region of South Australia; M. macrocephala from the Eremaean Botanical Province of Western Australia. A key to all nine species of Minuria, nomenclatural notes, descriptions and distribution maps are provided.
The genus Banksia L.f. (Proteaceae)
GEORGE, A.S., Nuytsia 3 (3): 239–473 (1981)