Displaying records 1–20 of 20
Updates to Western Australia’s vascular plant census for 2021
PARKER, C.M. AND PERCY-BOWER, J.M., Nuytsia 33: 1–14 (2022)
Stylidium milleri (Stylidiaceae), a striking discovery from south-western Australia
WEGE, J.A., Nuytsia 33: 15–18 (2022)
Drummondita billyacatting (Rutaceae), a new, range-restricted species from Western Australia
SHELTON, L.R.J. AND THIELE, K.R., Nuytsia 33: 19–27 (2022)
The new species Drummondita billyacatting L.R.J.Shelton & K.R.Thiele is described for a taxon previously phrase-named as D. sp. Trayning (A.M. George 97), which is narrowly endemic to Billyacatting Hill in the Western Australian wheatbelt. The new species is morphologically readily separable from the widespread D. hassellii (F.Muell.) Paul G. Wilson and the morphologically rather similar D. longifolia (Paul G. Wilson) Paul G. Wilson. A key is provided to all species of Drummondita Harv. (Rutaceae).
The Button Mangrove Conocarpus erectus (Combretaceae) is naturalised in Western Australia
KEIGHERY, G.J. AND LONG, V., Nuytsia 33: 29–33 (2022)
The correct name for the weedy Homalanthus (Euphorbiaceae) in Western Australia
KEIGHERY, G.J. AND MITCHELL, A.A., Nuytsia 33: 35–37 (2022)
Austrostipa (Poaceae) in Western Australia: new species, new records, keys, and character notes
WILLIAMS, A.R., Nuytsia 33: 39–101 (2022)
Austrostipa S.W.L.Jacobs & J.Everett is a monophyletic genus of temperate Australian native grasses that occur throughout the southern part of the continent and in New Zealand. Eight new species from Western Australia are described and illustrated here, plus two newly recorded species that are range extensions from their previously known habitats in South Australia, bringing the total number of species recorded in this state to forty-four. Detailed character notes and a key to the species and the accepted subgenera are provided. The new species are: A. anaiwaniorum A.R.Williams, A. burgessii A.R.Williams, A. everettiana A.R.Williams, A. frankliniae A.R.Williams, A. heteranthera A.R.Williams, A. koordana A.R.Williams, A. nunaginensis A.R.Williams and A. turbinata A.R.Williams. One former species (A. nullanulla J.Everett & S.W.L.Jacobs) has been reduced to synonymy with A. vickeryana J.Everett & S.W.L.Jacobs. The two species with range extensions are A. echinata (Vickery, S.W.L.Jacobs & J.Everett) S.W.L.Jacobs & J.Everett, which has been found at several sites around Esperance, and A. mundula (J.M.Black) S.W.L.Jacobs & J.Everett, which has been found in numerous small isolated coastal pockets around the south-west and up as far as Yanchep north of Perth. Five of the new species appear to be rare and isolated, including the newly discovered populations of A. echinata and A. mundula, and warrant conservation priority.
Exocarpos capnodioides (Santalaceae), a new species from southern Australia allied to E. aphyllus
LEPSCHI, B.J., Nuytsia 33: 103–111 (2022)
From Engler to APGIV: a short history of the botanical arrangement of the Western Australian Herbarium collections
PARKER, C.M., PERCY-BOWER, J.M. AND JAMES, S.A., Nuytsia 33: 113–141 (2022)
The status of Albizia lebbeck (Fabaceae: Mimosoideae) in Western Australia
KEIGHERY, G.J., Nuytsia 33: 143–146 (2022)
Reassessment of the type collections of W. Fitzgerald’s Calandrinia tepperiana (Montiaceae) leads to the discovery of a putative new species from the Kimberley
OBBENS, F.J., Nuytsia 33: 147–148 (2022)
An expanded circumscription and revision of the Western Australian genus Balaustion (Myrtaceae: Chamelaucieae: Hysterobaeckeinae)
RYE, B.L., Nuytsia 33: 149–204 (2022)
Balaustion Hook. s. lat. comprises 18 species that are characterised by having a large cavity on the inner surface of their seeds. Other characters found in all or most of the species are a low growth form, sub-epidermal tissue on the young stems that disintegrates into fibres, one-flowered peduncles, scarcely keeled sepals, and very large, sessile placentas. The type species of Balaustion has a distinctive anther type and particularly large, colourful flowers adapted to bird-pollination, but white is the most common petal colour in the genus. New combinations are made for three species previously included in Baeckea L. s. lat.: Balaustion exsertum (S.Moore) Rye, B. grandibracteatum (E.Pritz.) Rye and B. grande (E.Pritz.) Rye. A neotype is selected for Baeckea grandibracteata E.Pritz. and lectotypes chosen for B. grandis E.Pritz. and the type species Balaustion pulcherrimum Hook. The new species and subspecies are B. baiocalyx Rye, B. bimucronatum Rye, B. filifolium Rye, B. grandibracteatum subsp. meridionale Rye, B. grandibracteatum subsp. juncturum Rye, B. hemisphaericum Rye, B. interruptum Rye, B. karroun Rye, B. mukinbudin Rye, B. multicaule Rye, B. polyandrum Rye, B. quinquelobum Rye, B. spenceri Rye, B. tangerinum Rye, B. thamnoides Rye and B. unguiculatum Rye. Most of these taxa are conservation-listed in Western Australia. Three sections are recognised: sect. Balaustion is monotypic, sect. Nonfibrosa Rye comprises three species with few ovules, and sect. Tilophloia Rye comprises 14 species characterised by stem tissue that tends to disintegrate into numerous fibres. One possible case of hybridisation between two of these sections is discussed.
Conostephium wonganense, Dielsiodoxa altimontana and Styphelia blackallii – three rare, new epacrids (Ericaceae: Epacridoideae) from Western Australia
HISLOP, M., Nuytsia 33: 205–216 (2022)
Eriochilus glareosus (Orchidaceae), a new species from south-west Western Australia
BROCKMAN, G. AND FRENCH, C.J., Nuytsia 33: 217–220 (2022)
Three new Western Australian species related to Calytrix violacea (Myrtaceae: Chamelaucieae)
THIELE, K.R., KEIGHERY, G.J., NGE, F.J. AND RYE, B.L., Nuytsia 33: 221–232 (2022)
Description of a new south-western Australian plant group, Hypocalymma sect. Grandiflora (Myrtaceae: Chamelaucieae: Astarteinae)
RYE, B.L., KEIGHERY, G.J. AND BARRETT, M.D., Nuytsia 33: 233–249 (2022)
A new section of Hypocalymma (Endl.) Endl., H. sect. Grandiflora Rye, Keighery & M.D.Barrett, is described. Like sect. Hypocalymma, the new section has seeds with a pitted testa, but it differs in having solitary axillary flowers with large petals greatly exceeding the length of the stamens. Its type species is H. puniceum C.A.Gardner and three of its five species are new: H. inopinatum Rye, Keighery & M.D.Barrett, H.magnificum Rye, Keighery & M.D.Barrett, and H. polyandrum Rye, Keighery & M.D.Barrett. Keys are given to the four sections of Hypocalymma and to the species of sect. Grandiflora. Four species have conservation priority.
Calytrix calingiri, a new species from the Calytrix acutifolia species group (Myrtaceae: Chamelaucieae)
NGE, F.J. AND THIELE, K.R., Nuytsia 33: 251–261 (2022)
A taxonomic assessment of Calytrix cravenii Nge & K.R.Thiele has shown that a distinct morphological variant that occurs near Calingiri in south-west Western Australia is best regarded as a distinct species. It is described here as Calytrix calingiri Nge & K.R.Thiele sp. nov.
A new species of Brachyachne (Poaceae: Chloridoideae: Cynodonteae) from semi-arid Northern Territory and Western Australia, and additional notes on the genus
ALBRECHT, D.E. AND MCLAY, T.G.B., Nuytsia 33: 263–274 (2022)
Brachyachne anisocarpa Albr. is described and illustrated, with notes on distribution, habitat and relationship with similar species. New distribution records of other Brachyachne (Benth.) Stapf species are provided, along with a key to Brachyachne species in Australia. The status of the genus is discussed based on an analysis of pre-existing and new molecular data.
A taxonomic review of the Styphelia tamminensis subgroup (Ericaceae: Epacridoideae: Styphelieae)
HISLOP, M. AND NGUYEN, H.K., Nuytsia 33: 275–320 (2022)
Within the heterogeneous Styphelia Sm. Group X, a distinctive Western Australian subgroup is recognised based on morphological and molecular data. A morphological synopsis of the subgroup is provided and the following 13 new species are described and illustrated: S. annulata Hislop, S. bracteolosa Hislop, S. echinulata Hislop, S. exilis Hislop, S. hyalina Hislop, S. incerta Hislop, S. pallens Hislop, S. papillosa Hislop, S. platyneura Hislop, S. recurva Hislop, S. roseola Hislop, S. scabrella Hislop and S. subglauca Hislop. Nine of the novel species are conservation-listed. A key to all 19 members of the subgroup is included.
Reduction of Corynanthera to the synonymy of Micromyrtus (Myrtaceae: Chamelaucieae: Micromyrtinae)
RYE, B.L. AND WILSON, PETER G., Nuytsia 33: 321–324 (2022)
Synonymisation of taxa, correction of a misapplied name and an updated key for the Western Australian Leptospermum erubescens species group (Myrtaceae: Leptospermeae)
BINKS, R.M., HISLOP, M. AND BYRNE, M., Nuytsia 33: 325–329 (2022)