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Displaying records 781–800 of 23330 for your search terms: Current: yes
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Apiaceae Lindl.
Intr.Nat.Syst.Bot. Ed. 2, 21 (1836)
Platysace Bunge
Pl.Preiss. [J.G.C.Lehmann] 1(4):285 (1845)
Platysace commutata (Turcz.) C.Norman
J.Bot. 77:210 (1939)
Platysace compressa (Labill.) C.Norman
Tapeworm Plant J.Bot. 77:209 (1939)
Platysace deflexa (Turcz.) C.Norman
J.Bot. 77:210 (1939)
Platysace effusa (Turcz.) C.Norman
J.Bot. 77:210 (1939)
Platysace filiformis (Bunge) C.Norman
J.Bot. 77:209 (1939)
Platysace haplosciadia (Benth.) C.Norman
J.Bot. 77:210 (1939)
Platysace juncea (Bunge) C.Norman
J.Bot. 77:209 (1939)
Platysace maxwellii (F.Muell.) C.Norman
Karno J.Bot. 77:210 (1939)
Platysace pendula (Benth.) C.Norman
J.Bot. 77:209 (1939)
Platysace ramosissima (Benth.) C.Norman
J.Bot. 77:210 (1939)
Platysace saxatilis Keighery
Nordic J.Bot. 16:135-137 (1996)
Platysace sp. Eneabba (R. Hnatiuk 770001)
Platysace sp. Kalbarri (D. & B. Bellairs 1383)
Platysace sp. Kennedy (P.G. Wilson 8450)
Platysace sp. Stirling (J.M. Fox 88/262)
Platysace sp. Tammin (F. Hort & J. Hort FH 4702)
Platysace tenuissima (Benth.) C.Norman
J.Bot. 77:210 (1939)
Platysace teres (Bunge) C.Norman
J.Bot. 77:210 (1939)
Platysace trachymenioides F.Muell.
Fragm. 1:232 (1859)
Platysace xerophila (E.Pritz.) L.A.S.Johnson
Contr.New South Wales Natl.Herb. 3:101 (1962)

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A taxon name that is no longer current will retain its ‘Threatened’, ‘Extinct’, or ‘Extinct in the Wild’ status until a new name has been published in a Biodiversity Conservation Order.