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Displaying records 1–9 of 9 for your search terms: Genus: acaulon
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Pottiaceae Schimp.
Coroll.Bryol.Eur. 24 (1856)
Acaulon Müll.Hal.
Bot.Zeitung (Berlin) 5:99 (1847)
Acaulon crassinervium Müll.Hal.
Hedwigia 41:119 (1902)
Acaulon eremicola I.G.Stone
J.Bryol. 10:467 (1979)
Acaulon granulosum I.G.Stone
J.Bryol. 15:257 (1988)
Acaulon integrifolium Müll.Hal.
Bot.Zeit. 13:745 (1855)
Acaulon leucochaete I.G.Stone
J.Bryol. 9:217 (1976)
Acaulon mediterraneum Limpr.
Rabenh.Krypt.-Fl. edn. 2, 1:180 (1885)
Acaulon robustum G.Roth
Hedwigia 53:94 (1913)
Acaulon triquetrum (Spruce) Müll.Hal.
Bot.Zeit. 5:100 (1847)

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A taxon name that is no longer current will retain its ‘Threatened’, ‘Extinct’, or ‘Extinct in the Wild’ status until a new name has been published in a Biodiversity Conservation Order.