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Displaying records 1–8 of 8 for your search terms: Genus: audouinella
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Acrochaetiaceae W.R.Taylor
Mar.Alg.North-eastern N.Amer. Edn. 2, 2:209, 210 (1957)
Audouinella Bory
Dict.Class.Hist.Nat. 340 (1823)
Audouinella americana (C.C.Jao) Garbary & Rueness
Norweg.J.Bot. 22 (1980)
Audouinella caespitosa (J.Agardh) P.S.Dixon
J.Mar.Biol.Assoc.U.K. 590 (1976)
Audouinella daviesii (Dillwyn) Woelk.
Austral.J.Bot.Suppl.Ser. 1:28 (1971)
Audouinella microscopica (Kütz.) Woelk.
Austral.J.Bot.Suppl.Ser. 1:33 (1971)
Audouinella pacifica (Kylin) Garbary
Audouinella saviana (Menegh.) Woelk.
Rhodora 75:560 (1973)
Audouinella spongicola (Weber Bosse) Stegenga
S.African J.Bot. 314 (1985)

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A taxon name that is no longer current will retain its ‘Threatened’, ‘Extinct’, or ‘Extinct in the Wild’ status until a new name has been published in a Biodiversity Conservation Order.