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Displaying records 1–12 of 12 for your search terms: Genus: entosthodon
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Funariaceae Schwägr.
Sp.Musc.Frond. 43 (1830)
Entosthodon Schwägr.
Sp.Musc.Frond. Suppl. 2, 1:44 (1823)
Entosthodon apophysatus (Taylor) Mitt.
J.Proc.Linn.Soc.,Bot. 4:80 (1859)
Entosthodon jamesonii (Taylor) Mitt.
Hooker's J.Bot.Kew Gard.Misc. 3:354 (1851)
Entosthodon jamesonii subsp. productus (Mitt.) Fife
Flora of New Zealand 45:1 (2019)
Entosthodon muehlenbergii (Turner) Fife
J.Hattori Bot.Lab. 58:192 (1985)
Entosthodon muhlenbergii (Turner) Fife
J.Hattori Bot.Lab. 58:192 (1985)
Entosthodon productus Mitt.
Bot.Antarct.Voy.III.(Fl.Tasman.) 2:197 (1859)
Entosthodon radians (Hedw.) Müll.Hal.
Syn.Musc.Frond. 1:122 (1848)
Entosthodon subnudus (Taylor) Fife
J.Hattori Bot.Lab. 58:192 (1985)
Entosthodon subnudus var. gracilis (Hook.f. & Wilson) Fife
J.Hattori Bot.Lab. 58:192 (1985)
Entosthodon subnudus var. phymatodeus (Catches.) Fife & Seppelt
Hikobia 13:483 (2001)
Entosthodon subnudus (Taylor) Fife var. subnudus

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A taxon name that is no longer current will retain its ‘Threatened’, ‘Extinct’, or ‘Extinct in the Wild’ status until a new name has been published in a Biodiversity Conservation Order.