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Displaying records 1–12 of 12 for your search terms: Genus: lecidella
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Lecanoraceae Körb.
Syst.Lich.Germ. 104 (1855)
Lecidella Körb.
Syst.Lich.Germ. 233 (1855)
Lecidella asema (Nyl.) Knoph & Hertel
Biblioth.Lichenol. 36:66 (1990)
Lecidella carpathica Körb.
Parerga Lichenol. 212 (1861)
Lecidella destituta Kantvilas & Elix
Muelleria 31:32,34-36,Fig.1a (2013)
Lecidella enteroleucella (Nyl.) Hertel
Khumbu Himal 6:330 (1977)
Lecidella flavovirens Kantvilas & Elix
Muelleria 31:37-38,Fig.1c (2013)
Lecidella leucomarginata Kantvilas & Elix
J.Adelaide Bot.Gard. 27:41-43, Fig. 1a (2014)
Lecidella meridionalis Elix & P.M.McCarthy
Australas.Lichenol. 82:29-30, Figs 8, 10A (2018)
Lecidella occidentalis Elix & P.M.McCarthy
Australas.Lichenol. 82:30-31, Figs 9, 10B-E (2018)
Lecidella stigmatea (Ach.) Hertel & Leuckert
Willdenowia 5: 375 (1969)
Lecidella sublapicida (C.Knight) Hertel
Mitt.Bot.Staatssamml.München 19:444 (1983)
Lecidella sublapidica (C.Knight) Hertel
Mitt.Bot.Staatssamml.München 19: 444 (1983)

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A taxon name that is no longer current will retain its ‘Threatened’, ‘Extinct’, or ‘Extinct in the Wild’ status until a new name has been published in a Biodiversity Conservation Order.