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Displaying records 1–7 of 7 for your search terms: Genus: pholiota
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Strophariaceae Singer & A.H.Sm.
Mycologia 38:503-504 (1946)
Pholiota (Fr.) P.Kumm.
Führer Pilzk. 83 (1871)
Pholiota communis (Cleland & Cheel) Grgur.
Larger Fungi of South Australia 524 (1997)
Pholiota drummondii (Berk.) Pegler
Austral.J.Bot. 13(2):330 (1965)
Pholiota gummosa (Lasch) Singer
Lilloa 22:517 (1951)
Pholiota highlandensis (Peck) A.H.Sm. & Hesler
The North American Species of Pholiota 287 (1968)
Pholiota multicingulata E.Horak
Austral.J.Bot.Suppl.Ser. 10:33 (1983)
Pholiota serrulata Cleland
Trans.& Proc.Roy.Soc.South Australia 57:190 (1933)

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A taxon name that is no longer current will retain its ‘Threatened’, ‘Extinct’, or ‘Extinct in the Wild’ status until a new name has been published in a Biodiversity Conservation Order.