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Displaying records 1–9 of 9 for your search terms: Genus: podotheca
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Asteraceae Bercht. & J.Presl
Prir.Rostlin 254 (1820)
Podotheca Cass.
Dict.Sci.Nat. [F. Cuvier] p561 (1822)
Podotheca angustifolia (Labill.) Less.
Sticky Longheads Syn.Gen.Compos. 273 (1832)
Podotheca chrysantha (Steetz) Benth.
Yellow Podotheca Fl.Austral. 3:602 (1867)
Podotheca gnaphalioides Graham
Golden Long-heads Bot.Mag. 68:Tab.3920 (1842)
Podotheca pollackii (F.Muell.) Diels
Bot.Jahrb.Syst. 35:617 (1905)
Podotheca pritzelii P.S.Short
Muelleria 7: 49-51, Fig.5 (1989)
Podotheca pygmaea A.Gray
Dwarf Long-heads Hooker's J.Bot.Kew Gard.Misc. 4:227 (1852)
Podotheca uniseta P.S.Short
Muelleria 7: 51-55, Fig.6 (1989)
Podotheca wilsonii P.S.Short
Muelleria 7: 46-48, Fig.4 (1989)

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A taxon name that is no longer current will retain its ‘Threatened’, ‘Extinct’, or ‘Extinct in the Wild’ status until a new name has been published in a Biodiversity Conservation Order.