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Displaying records 1–10 of 10 for your search terms: Genus: polyporus
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Polyporaceae Corda
Icon.Fungorum (Corda) 3:49 (1839)
Polyporus Adans.
Fam.Pl. 2:10 (1763)
Polyporus arcularius (Batsch) Fr.
Syst.Mycol. 1:342 (1821)
Polyporus cervinogilvus Jungh.
Praem.Fl.Crypt.Java 45-46, Fig. 24 (1838)
Polyporus dependens Berk. & M.A.Curtis
Ann.Mag.Nat.Hist. 12: 431 (1853)
Polyporus eucalyptorum Fr.
Pl.Preiss. [J.G.C.Lehmann] 2(1):135 (1846)
Polyporus gryphaeformis Berk.
London J.Bot. 4:54 (1845)
Polyporus philippinensis Berk.
London J.Bot. 1(1):148 (1842)
Polyporus rimosus Berk.
London J.Bot. 4:54 (1845)
Polyporus sclerotinus Rodway
Pap. & Proc.Roy.Soc.Tasmania 1917:108 (1918)
Polyporus tumulosus Cooke & Massee
Grevillea 17(no. 83): 55 (1889)

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