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Displaying records 1–14 of 14 for your search terms: Genus: pomaderris
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Rhamnaceae Juss.
Gen.Pl. [Jussieu] 376 (1789)
Pomaderris Labill.
Nov.Holl.Pl. 1:61 (1805)
Pomaderris bilocularis A.S.George
Tutanning Pomaderris J.Roy.Soc.Western Australia 50:99 (1967)
Pomaderris brevifolia N.G.Walsh
Muelleria 8:107-109,Fig.1 (1993)
Pomaderris forrestiana F.Muell.
Fragm. (Mueller) 9:139-140 (1875)
Pomaderris grandis F.Muell.
Large Pomaderris Fragm. (Mueller) 3:68-69 (1862)
Pomaderris intangenda F.Muell.
Fragm. (Mueller) 10:52-53 (1876)
Pomaderris myrtilloides Fenzl
Enum.Pl. 22 (1837)
Pomaderris obcordata Fenzl
Enum.Pl. 23 (1837)
Pomaderris oraria Reissek
Linnaea 29:268 (1858)
Pomaderris paniculosa Reissek
Linnaea 29: 269 (1858)
Pomaderris paniculosa Reissek subsp. paniculosa
Pomaderris paniculosa subsp. paralia N.G.Walsh
Muelleria 7(2):274-279 (1990)
Pomaderris racemosa Hook.
Cluster Pomaderris J.Bot.(Hooker) 1:256 (1834)
Pomaderris rotundifolia (F.Muell.) Rye
Nuytsia 11:109 (1996)

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