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Displaying records 21–39 of 39 for your search terms: Genus: prasophyllum
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Orchidaceae Juss.
Gen.Pl. [Jussieu] 64 (1789)
Prasophyllum R.Br.
Leek Orchids Prodr.Fl.Nov.Holland. 317 (1810)
Prasophyllum macrotys Lindl.
Inland Leek Orchid Sketch Veg.Swan R. 54 (1840)
Prasophyllum nigricans R.Br.
Dwarf Leek Orchid Prodr.Fl.Nov.Holland. 319 (1810)
Prasophyllum odoratissimum D.L.Jones
Scented Leek Orchid Orchadian 12:53-54, 55 (1996)
Prasophyllum odoratum R.S.Rogers
Trans.& Proc.Roy.Soc.South Australia 33:209 (1909)
Prasophyllum ovale Lindl.
Little Leek Orchid Sketch Veg.Swan R. 54 (1840)
Prasophyllum ovale subsp. triglochin R.S.Rogers
Prasophyllum ovale var. triglochin Rchb.f.
Beitr.Syst.Pflanzenk. 60 (1871)
Prasophyllum parvifolium Lindl.
Autumn Leek Orchid Sketch Veg.Swan R. 54 (1840)
Prasophyllum paulinae D.L.Jones & M.A.Clem.
Pauline's Laughing Leek Orchid Nuytsia 10:414, 416, Fig. 3 (1996)
Prasophyllum paulineae D.L.Jones & M.A.Clem.
Nuytsia 10:414, 416, Fig. 3 (1996)
Prasophyllum plumiforme Fitzg.
Dainty Leek Orchid Gard.Chron. 17:495 (1882)
Prasophyllum regium R.S.Rogers
King Leek Orchid Trans.& Proc.Roy.Soc.South Australia 42:27 (1918)
Prasophyllum ringens (Rchb.f.) R.J.Bates
J.Adelaide Bot.Gard. 11:182 (1989)
Prasophyllum sargentii (Nicholls) A.S.George
Frilled Leek Orchid Nuytsia 1:189 (1971)
Prasophyllum sp. Brookton Highway (G. Brockman 734)
Prasophyllum sp. early (G. Brockman GBB 1626)
Prasophyllum sp. Eastern Wheatbelt (C. & D. Woolcock s.n. PERTH 00760846)
Prasophyllum sp. Swan Region (G.B. Brockman 1082)
Prasophyllum triangulare Fitzg.
Dark Leek Orchid Gard.Chron. 17:495 (1882)

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