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Displaying records 21–40 of 44 for your search terms: Genus: prostanthera
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Lamiaceae Martinov
Tekhno-Bot.Slovar 355 (1820)
Prostanthera Labill.
Nov.Holl.Pl. 2:18, Tab.157 (1806)
Prostanthera magnifica C.A.Gardner
Magnificent Prostanthera J.Roy.Soc.Western Australia 27:196 (1942)
Prostanthera microphylla Benth.
Small-leaf Mintbush
Prostanthera nanophylla B.J.Conn
Nuytsia 6: 394-397 (1988)
Prostanthera patens B.J.Conn
J.Adelaide Bot.Gard. 6:300-303 (1984)
Prostanthera pedicellata B.J.Conn
J.Adelaide Bot.Gard. 6:314-316 (1984)
Prostanthera petrophila B.J.Conn
Nuytsia 6: 391-392, Fig.7a (1988)
Prostanthera prostantheroides (F.Muell.) T.C.Wilson, Henwood & B.J.Conn
Telopea 14:2 (2012)
Prostanthera schultzii F.Muell.
Prostanthera scutata C.A.Gardner
J.Roy.Soc.Western Australia 47:63 (1964)
Prostanthera semiteres B.J.Conn
J.Adelaide Bot.Gard. 6:319-322 (1984)
Prostanthera semiteres subsp. intricata B.J.Conn
J.Adelaide Bot.Gard. 6:322 (1984)
Prostanthera semiteres B.J.Conn subsp. semiteres
Prostanthera sericea (J.M.Black) B.J.Conn
Nuytsia 6: 364 (1988)
Prostanthera serpyllifolia (R.Br.) Briq.
Nat.Pflanzenfam. [Engler & Prantl] IV(3a):220 (1895)
Prostanthera serpyllifolia subsp. microphylla (R.Br.) B.J.Conn
J.Adelaide Bot.Gard. 6:297 (1984)
Prostanthera serpyllifolia (R.Br.) Briq. subsp. serpyllifolia
Prostanthera sp. Karara (D. Coultas & K. Greenacre Opp 8)
Prostanthera sp. Murchison (G. Byrne 239)
Prostanthera splendens B.J.Conn
Nuytsia 6:388-391,Fig.7c (1988)
Prostanthera striatiflora F.Muell.
Linnaea 25:425-426 (1853)

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