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Displaying records 41–58 of 58 for your search terms: Reference: nuytsia 3 1980
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Chenopodiaceae Vent.
Tabl.Regn.Vég. 2:253 (1799)
Sclerostegia Paul G.Wilson
Nuytsia 3(3):17 (1980)
Sclerostegia arbuscula (R.Br.) Paul G.Wilson
Nuytsia 3:20-21 (1980)
Sclerostegia disarticulata Paul G.Wilson
Nuytsia 3:19-20 (1980)
Sclerostegia moniliformis Paul G.Wilson
Nuytsia 3:22 (1980)
Sclerostegia tenuis (Benth.) Paul G.Wilson
Nuytsia 3:22-24 (1980)
Tegicornia Paul G.Wilson
Nuytsia 3(3):25 (1980)
Tegicornia uniflora Paul G.Wilson
Mat Samphire Nuytsia 3:25-27 (1980)
Myrtaceae Juss.
Gen.Pl. [Jussieu] 322 (1789)
Darwinia Rudge
Trans.Linn.Soc.London,Bot. p299, t. 22. (1816)
Darwinia oxylepis (Turcz.) N.G.Marchant & Keighery
Gillam's Bell Nuytsia 3:181 (1980)
Darwinia wittwerorum N.G.Marchant & Keighery
Nuytsia 3:179-181 (1980)
Eucalyptus L'Her.
Sert.Angl. (1789)
Eucalyptus halophila D.J.Carr & S.G.M.Carr
Nuytsia 3:173-178 (1980)
Micromyrtus Benth.
Gen.Pl. [Bentham & Hooker f.] 1(2):700 (1865)
Micromyrtus barbata J.W.Green
Nuytsia 3:203-204 (1980)
Micromyrtus fimbrisepala J.W.Green
Nuytsia 3:198-200 (1980)
Micromyrtus helmsii (F.Muell. & Tate) J.W.Green
Nuytsia 3:200 (1980)
Micromyrtus serrulata J.W.Green
Nuytsia 3:200-201 (1980)
Micromyrtus stenocalyx (F.Muell.) J.W.Green
Nuytsia 3:201 (1980)
Thryptomene Endl.
Stirp.Herb.Huegel. p192 (1838)
Thryptomene naviculata J.W.Green
Nuytsia 3:188-190 (1980)
Thryptomene nealensis J.W.Green
Nuytsia 3:190-192 (1980)
Thryptomene wittweri J.W.Green
Nuytsia 3:190 (1980)
Rutaceae Juss.
Gen.Pl. [Jussieu] 296 (1789)
Urocarpus Harv.
Hooker's J.Bot.Kew Gard.Misc. 7:54 (1855)
Urocarpus niveus Paul G.Wilson
Bindoon Starbush Nuytsia 3:211 (1980)

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