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Displaying records 1–20 of 102 for your search terms: Reference: nuytsia 17 2007
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Brassicaceae Burnett
Outlines Bot.(Burnett) 854 (1835)
Arabidella (F.Muell.) O.E.Schulz
Pflanzenr. 86:177, fig. 33. (1924)
Arabidella chrysodema Lepschi & Wege
Nuytsia 17:454-457, Figs 1, 2 (2007)
Campanulaceae Juss.
Gen.Pl. [Jussieu] 163 (1789)
Lobelia L.
Sp.Pl. 2:929 (1753)
Lobelia cleistogamoides N.G.Walsh & Albr.
Nuytsia 17:397-401, Figs 1, 2a (2007)
Casuarinaceae R.Br.
Voy.Terra Austral. 2:571 (1814)
Allocasuarina L.A.S.Johnson
J.Adelaide Bot.Gard. 6(1):73 (1982)
Allocasuarina hystricosa Wege
Nuytsia 17:404-407, Fig.1 (2007)
Chenopodiaceae Vent.
Tabl.Regn.Vég. 2:253 (1799)
Tecticornia Hook.f.
Gen.Pl. [Bentham & Hooker f.] 3(1):65 (1880)
Tecticornia cymbiformis K.A.Sheph. & Paul G.Wilson
Nuytsia 17:355-358, Figs 1, 2 (2007)
Tecticornia indefessa K.A.Sheph.
Nuytsia 17:371-373, Fig.3 (2007)
Tecticornia laevigata K.A.Sheph.
Nuytsia 17:362-365, Figs 6, 7 (2007)
Tecticornia mellaria K.A.Sheph.
Nuytsia 17:358-361, Figs 4-5 (2007)
Tecticornia mellarium K.A.Sheph.
Nuytsia 17:358-361, Figs 4-5 (2007)
Colchicaceae DC.
Essai Propr.Méd.Pl. 56 (1804)
Wurmbea Thunb.
Nov.Gen.Pl. p18 (1783)
Wurmbea inflata T.Macfarlane & A.L.Case
Nuytsia 17:223-228, Fig.1 (2007)
Cyperaceae Juss.
Gen.Pl. [Jussieu] 26 (1789)
Lepidosperma Labill.
Nov.Holl.Pl. 1:14 (1805)
Lepidosperma amansiferrum R.L.Barrett
Nuytsia 17:39-41, Figs 1, 2a (2007)
Lepidosperma amantiferrum R.L.Barrett
Nuytsia 17:39-41, Figs 1, 2a (2007)
Lepidosperma bungalbin R.L.Barrett
Nuytsia 17:43-45, Figs 2b, 4 (2007)
Lepidosperma diurnum R.L.Barrett
Nuytsia 17:45-46, Figs 2c-d, 5 (2007)
Lepidosperma ferricola R.L.Barrett
Nuytsia 17:46, 48, 50, Figs 2e, b (2007)
Lepidosperma ferriculmen R.L.Barrett
Nuytsia 17:50,52, Figs 2f, 7 (2007)
Lepidosperma gahnioides R.L.Barrett
Nuytsia 17:62-65, Fig. 1 (2007)
Lepidosperma gibsonii R.L.Barrett
Nuytsia 17:52, 54, Figs 2g, 8 (2007)
Lepidosperma jacksonense R.L.Barrett
Nuytsia 17:54, 56, Figs 2h, 9 (2007)
Lepidosperma lyonsii R.L.Barrett
Nuytsia 17:56,58-60, Figs 2i,10 (2007)
Elaeocarpaceae Juss.
Essai Propr.Méd.Pl. Ed. 2, 87 (1816)
Tetratheca Sm.
Spec.Bot.New Holland 5, tab. 2 (1793)
Tetratheca erubescens J.P.Bull
Nuytsia 17:88-94, Figs 1-2 (2007)

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