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Displaying records 1–20 of 29 for your search terms: Reference: nuytsia 7 1989
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Asteraceae Bercht. & J.Presl
Prir.Rostlin 254 (1820)
Erymophyllum Paul G.Wilson
Nuytsia 7:105 (1989)
Erymophyllum compactum Paul G.Wilson
Nuytsia 7: 110-113, Fig.3 (1989)
Erymophyllum glossanthus Paul G.Wilson
Nuytsia 7: 106-108, Fig.2 (1989)
Erymophyllum hemisphaericum Paul G.Wilson
Nuytsia 7:113-114 (1989)
Erymophyllum ramosum (A.Gray) Paul G.Wilson
Nuytsia 7: 108 (1989)
Erymophyllum ramosum subsp. involucratum (F.Muell.) Paul G.Wilson
Nuytsia 7:109 (1989)
Erymophyllum tenellum (Turcz.) Paul G.Wilson
Nuytsia 7: 114 (1989)
Hyalosperma Steetz
Pl.Preiss. [J.G.C.Lehmann] 1(4):476 (1845)
Hyalosperma cotula (Benth.) Paul G.Wilson
Nuytsia 7: 93 (1989)
Hyalosperma demissum (A.Gray) Paul G.Wilson
Nuytsia 7: 85 (1989)
Hyalosperma glutinosum subsp. venustum (S.Moore) Paul G.Wilson
Nuytsia 7:91-92,Fig.6 (1989)
Hyalosperma pusillum (Turcz.) Paul G.Wilson
Nuytsia 7: 97 (1989)
Hyalosperma simplex (Steetz) Paul G.Wilson
Nuytsia 7: 94 (1989)
Hyalosperma simplex subsp. graniticola Paul G.Wilson
Nuytsia 7:95-96 (1989)
Hyalosperma stoveae (D.A.Cooke) Paul G.Wilson
Nuytsia 7: 87 (1989)
Hyalosperma zacchaeus (S.Moore) Paul G.Wilson
Nuytsia 7: 85 (1989)
Olearia Moench
Suppl.Meth. p254 (1802)
Olearia humilis Lander
Nuytsia 7: 26-29, Fig.1 (1989)
Taplinia Lander
Nuytsia 7(1):37, figs 1, 2. (1989)
Taplinia saxatilis Lander
Nuytsia 7: 38-42, Figs.1-2 (1989)
Campanulaceae Juss.
Gen.Pl. [Jussieu] 163 (1789)
Wahlenbergia Roth
Nov.Pl.Sp. p399 (1821)
Wahlenbergia caryophylloides P.J.Sm.
Nuytsia 7: 63-67, Fig.1 (1989)
Dilleniaceae Salisb.
Parad.Lond. pt.73 (1807)
Hibbertia Andrews
Bot.Repos. 2:472, Tab.126 (1800)
Hibbertia hooglandii J.R.Wheeler
Nuytsia 7: 69-72, Fig.1 (1989)

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