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Displaying records 201–220 of 467
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Scrophulariaceae Juss.
Gen.Pl. [Jussieu] 117 (1789)
Eremophila R.Br.
Prodr.Fl.Nov.Holland. 518 (1810)
Eremophila jucunda Chinnock subsp. jucunda
Eremophila jucunda subsp. pulcherrima Chinnock
Eremophila 517-518, Fig. 256h (2007)
Eremophila koobabbiensis Chinnock
Nuytsia 21:158-161, Figs 1-2 (2011)
Eremophila laanii F.Muell.
Australas.Chem.Druggist 7:70 (1885)
Eremophila labrosa Chinnock
Eremophila 264-265, Fig. 130 (2007)
Eremophila laccata Buirchell & A.P.Br.
Nuytsia 27:269-271, Fig. 10 (2016)
Eremophila lachnocalyx C.A.Gardner
Woolly-calyxed Eremophila J.Roy.Soc.Western Australia 27:192 (1942)
Eremophila lactea Chinnock
Milky Emu Bush Nuytsia 5:393-395, Fig. 2 (1986)
Eremophila lanata Chinnock
Eremophila 540-542, Fig. 271 (2007)
Eremophila lanceolata Chinnock
Eremophila 323-325, Fig. 160 (2007)
Eremophila latrobei F.Muell.
Warty Fuchsia Bush Fragm. (Mueller) 1:125 (1859)
Eremophila latrobei subsp. filiformis Chinnock
Eremophila 503-504, Fig. 248 (2007)
Eremophila latrobei subsp. glabra (L.S.Sm.) Chinnock
J.Adelaide Bot.Gard. 15:79 (1992)
Eremophila latrobei F.Muell. subsp. latrobei
Native Fuschia
Eremophila latrobei F.Muell. var. latrobei
Eremophila latrobei subsp. tuberculate leaves (A. Markey & S. Dillon 5841)
Eremophila latrobei subsp. warty leaves (M. Officer 230)
Warty Fuschia Bush
Eremophila lehmanniana (Lehm.) Chinnock
J.Adelaide Bot.Gard. 3:125 (1981)
Eremophila lepidota Chinnock ms
Eremophila leucophylla Benth.
Wilcox Bush Fl.Austral. 5:18 (1870)

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A taxon name that is no longer current will retain its ‘Threatened’, ‘Extinct’, or ‘Extinct in the Wild’ status until a new name has been published in a Biodiversity Conservation Order.