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Displaying records 1241–1260 of 1478
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Poaceae Barnhart
Bull.Torrey Bot.Club 22:7 (1895)
Stipa L.
Sp.Pl. [Linnaeus] 2:78 (1753)
Stipa nitida Summerh. & C.E.Hubb.
Speargrass Bull.Misc.Inform.Kew 1927:80 (1927)
Stipa nullarborensis Vickery, S.W.L.Jacobs & J.Everett
Telopea 3:88-89 (1986)
Stipa platychaeta Hughes
Flat-awned Spear Grass Bull.Misc.Inform.Kew 1921:16, Fig. 17A (1921)
Stipa plumigera Hughes
Bull.Misc.Inform.Kew 1921:20, Fig. 25A (1921)
Stipa puberula Steud.
Syn.Pl.Glumac. 1:128 (1854)
Stipa pycnostachya Benth.
Fl.Austral. 7:568 (1878)
Stipa scabra Lindl.
Rough Speargrass J.Exped.Trop.Australia 31 (1848)
Stipa scabra subsp. falcata (Hughes) Vickery, S.W.L.Jacobs & J.Everett
Telopea 3:110 (1986)
Stipa scabra Lindl. subsp. scabra
Stipa semibarbata R.Br.
Bearded Speargrass Prodr.Fl.Nov.Holland. 174 (1810)
Stipa setacea R.Br.
Corkscrew Grass Prodr. 174 (1810)
Stipa stipoides (Hook.f.) Veldkamp
Coast Speargrass Blumea 22:11 (1974)
Stipa tenuifolia Steud.
Syn.Pl.Glumac. 1:128 (1854)
Stipa tenuiglumis Hughes
Bull.Misc.Inform.Kew 1921:22 (1921)
Stipa trichophylla Benth.
Fl.Austral. 7:570 (1878)
Stipa tuckeri F.Muell.
Fragm. 11:128-130 (1881)
Stipa variabilis Hughes
Variable Speargrass Bull.Misc.Inform.Kew 15 (1921)
Stipa velutina Vickery, S.W.L.Jacobs & J.Everett
Telopea 3:126 (1986)
Stipa verticillata Spreng.
Slender Bamboo Grass Syst.Veg. 4:30 (1827)
Stipa vickeryana J.Everett & S.W.L.Jacobs
Telopea 2:397-398 (1983)

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A taxon name that is no longer current will retain its ‘Threatened’, ‘Extinct’, or ‘Extinct in the Wild’ status until a new name has been published in a Biodiversity Conservation Order.