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Displaying records 1–20 of 69
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Elaeocarpaceae Juss.
Essai Propr.Méd.Pl. Ed. 2, 87 (1816)
Platytheca Steetz
Pl.Preiss. [J.G.C.Lehmann] 1(4):220 (1845)
Platytheca anasima R.Butcher
Nuytsia 18:32-36, Fig. 1 (2008)
Platytheca galioides Steetz
Pl.Preiss. [J.G.C.Lehmann] 1:220-221 (1845)
Platytheca juniperina Domin
Věstn.Král.České Společn.Nauk.Tř.Mat.-Přír. 2:56 (1923)
Platytheca sp. Argyle (G.J. & B.J. Keighery 281)
Platytheca sp. Sabina (G.J. & B.J. Keighery 295)
Platytheca verticillata (Hügel) Baill.
Tetratheca Sm.
Spec.Bot.New Holland 5, tab. 2 (1793)
Tetratheca affinis Endl.
Enum.Pl. 7 (1837)
Tetratheca affinis subsp. Cape Riche (T.D. Macfarlane TDM 1832)
Tetratheca angulata R.Butcher
Austral.Syst.Bot. 20:141-144, Fig. 2 (2007)
Tetratheca aphylla F.Muell.
Bungalbin Tetratheca S.Sci.Rec. 2:97 (1882)
Tetratheca aphylla F.Muell. subsp. aphylla
Tetratheca aphylla subsp. megacarpa R.Butcher
Austral.Syst.Bot. 20:146-148, Fig. 6 (2007)
Tetratheca applanata R.Butcher
Austral.Syst.Bot. 20:148-150, Fig. 7 (2007)
Tetratheca butcheriana A.J.Perkins
Butcher's Tetratheca Nuytsia 27:205-208, Figs 1, 3 (2016)
Tetratheca chapmanii Alford
Nuytsia 10:144-145,Fig.1 (1995)
Tetratheca confertifolia Steetz
Pl.Preiss. [J.G.C.Lehmann] 1:214 (1845)
Tetratheca deltoidea Joy Thomps.
Granite Tetratheca Telopea 1:175 (1976)

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A taxon name that is no longer current will retain its ‘Threatened’, ‘Extinct’, or ‘Extinct in the Wild’ status until a new name has been published in a Biodiversity Conservation Order.