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Browse the Western Australian Flora

Browse the complete list of WA’s families of plants, fungi, algae and protists. Icons to the right indicate additional content available, and the navigation element to the left of each name will expand the family listing to include its component genera. The same functions are then available for the genera in order to display all WA species for that group.

Graphidaceae Dumort.
Comment.Bot. 69,78 (1822)
Diploschistes Norman
Nytt Mag.Naturvidensk. 7:232 (1853)
Dyplolabia A.Massal.
Neagen.Lich. 6 (1854)
Graphina Müll.Arg.
Flora 63:22 (1880)
Graphis Adans.
Fam.Pl. 2:11 (1763)
Halegrapha Rivas Plata & Lücking
Lichenologist 43:333-343 (2011)
Hemithecium Trevis.
Spighe E Paglie 1:12 (1853)
Ingvariella Guderley & Lumbsch
Nova Hedwigia 64:152 (1997)
Phaeographis Müll.Arg.
Flora 65:336 (1882)
Platygramme Fée
Bull.Soc.Bot.France 21:29 (1874)
Thelotrema Ach.
Methodus 130 (1803)
Xalocoa Kraichak, Lücking & Lumbsch
Austral.Syst.Bot. 26:472 (2014)

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A taxon name that is no longer current will retain its ‘Threatened’, ‘Extinct’, or ‘Extinct in the Wild’ status until a new name has been published in a Biodiversity Conservation Order.