Browse the complete list of WA’s families of plants, fungi, algae and protists. Icons to the right indicate additional content available, and the navigation element to the left of each name will expand the family listing to include its component genera. The same functions are then available for the genera in order to display all WA species for that group.
Haemodoraceae R.Br.
Prodr.Fl.Nov.Holland. 299 (1810)
Halimedaceae Link
Abh.Königl.Akad.Wiss.Berlin 1830:115 (1832)
Haloragaceae R.Br.
Voy.Terra Austral. 2:549 (1814)
Halymeniaceae Bory
Voy.Monde,Crypt. 158 (1828)
Hapalidiaceae J.E.Gray
Handbook of British Water-weeds or Algae 22 (1864)
Hapalospongidiaceae Reyes-Gómez & León-Alvarez
Bot.Mar. 60:579 (2017)
Harknessiaceae Crous
Persoonia 28:55 (2012)
Harpellaceae P.M.Kirk & P.F.Cannon
Fungal Families of the World 152 (2007)
Hedwigiaceae Schimp.
Coroll.Bryol.Eur. 52 (1856)
Helotiaceae Rehm
Rabenh.Krypt.-Fl. Edn. 2, 1(3):647 (1892)
Helvellaceae Fr.
Syst.Mycol. 2(1):1-2 (1822)
Hemerocallidaceae R.Br.
Prodr.Fl.Nov.Holland. 295 (1810)
Heppiaceae Zahlbr.
Nat.Pflanzenfam. [Engler & Prantl] I(1):176 (1906)
Hericiaceae Donk
Persoonia 3(2):269 (1964)
Hernandiaceae Blume
Bijdr.Fl.Ned.Ind. p550 (1826)
Heterodeaceae Filson
Lichenologist 10:15 (1978)
Hippocrateaceae Juss.
Ann.Mus.Natl.Hist.Nat. 18:486 (1811)
Hyacinthaceae Borkh.
Bot.Wörterb. 1:315 (1797)
Hyaloriaceae Lindau
Nat.Pflanzenfam. [Engler & Prantl] I(1**):95-96 (1897)
Hyaloscyphaceae Nannf.
Nova Acta Regiae Soc.Sci.Upsal. Ser. 4, 8:258 (1932)
Hydatellaceae U.Hamann
New Zealand J.Bot. 14:195 (1976)
Hydnaceae Chevall.
Fl.Gen.Env.Paris 1:270 (1826)
Hydnangiaceae Gäum. & C.W.Dodge
Comp.Morph.Fungi 485-488 (1928)
Hydnodontaceae Jülich
Biblioth.Mycol. 85:372 (1982)
Hydrangeaceae Dumort.
Anal.Fam.Pl. 38 (1829)
Hydrocharitaceae Juss.
Gen.Pl. [Jussieu] 18 (1789)
Hydrococcaceae Kütz.
Phycol.General. 159, 177 (1843)
Hydroleaceae Edwards
Bot.Rev.(Lancaster) 7:Tab.566 (1821)
Hydrolithaceae (A.Kato & M.Baba) R.A.Towns. & Huisman
Algae of Australia: Marine Benthic Algae of North-western Australia, 2. Red Algae 94 (2018)
Hydrophyllaceae R.Br.
Bot.Reg. 242 (1817)
Hygrophoraceae Lotsy
Vortr.Bot.Stammesgesch. 706-707 (1907)
Hygrophoropsidaceae Kühner
Bull.Mens.Soc.Linn.Lyon 49:900 (1980)
Hymeneliaceae Körb.
Syst.Lich.Germ. 327 (1855)
Hymenochaetaceae Donk
Bull.Jard.Bot.Buitenzorg sér. 3, 17:474 (1948)
Hymenocladiaceae L.Le Gall, Dalen & G.W.Saunders
J.Phycol. 44:1569 (2008)
Hymenogastraceae Vittad.
Monogr.Tuberac. 11 (1831)
Hypericaceae Juss.
Gen.Pl. [Jussieu] 254 (1789)
Hyphodermataceae Jülich
Biblioth.Mycol. 85:373 (1982)
Hypnaceae Schimp.
Coroll.Bryol.Eur. 113 (1856)
Hypneaceae J.Agardh
Spec.Alg. 2:viii (1851)
Hypocreaceae De Not.
Giorn.Bot.Ital. 2(1):48 (1844)
Hypogymniaceae Elix
Brunonia 2:176 (1980)
Hyponectriaceae Petr.
Ann.Mycol. 21(3/4):305-306 (1923)
Hypoxidaceae R.Br.
Voy.Terra Austral. 2, Appendix III:576 (1814)
Hypoxylaceae DC.
Fl.Franç. [de Candolle & Lamarck] edn 3, 2:280 (1805)
Hysterangiaceae E.Fisch.
Nat.Pflanzenfam. [Engler & Prantl] 1(I**):304 (1899)