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Browse the Western Australian Flora

Browse the complete list of WA’s families of plants, fungi, algae and protists. Icons to the right indicate additional content available, and the navigation element to the left of each name will expand the family listing to include its component genera. The same functions are then available for the genera in order to display all WA species for that group.

Fabaceae Lindl.
Intr.Nat.Syst.Bot. Ed.2:148 (1836)
Abrus Adans.
Fam.Pl. 2 (1763)
Acacia Mill.
Gard.Dict.Abr. Ed.3 (1754)
Adenocarpus DC.
Fl.Franç. Ed.3,6:549 (1815)
Aenictophyton A.T.Lee
Contr.New South Wales Natl.Herb. 4:422 (1973)
Aeschynomene L.
Sp.Pl. [Linnaeus] 2:713 (1753)
Albizia Durazz.
Mag.Tosc. 3(4):11 (1772)
Alhagi Gagnebin
Acta Helv.Phys.-Math. 2:59 (1755)
Alysicarpus Desv.
J.Bot.Agric. 1:120 (1813)
Aotus Sm.
Ann.Bot. 1:504 (1805)
Aphyllodium (DC.) Gagnep.
Notul.Syst.(Paris) 3:254 (1916)
Arachis L.
Sp.Pl. [Linnaeus] 2:741 (1753)
Astragalus L.
Sp.Pl. [Linnaeus] 2:755 (1753)
Atylosia Wight & Arn.
Prodr.Fl.Ind.Orient. 1:257 (1834)
Austrodolichos Verdc.
Kew Bull. 24(3):399 (1970)
Bauhinia L.
Sp.Pl. [Linnaeus] 2:374 (1753)
Biserrula L.
Sp.Pl. [Linnaeus] 2:762 (1753)
Bossiaea Vent.
Descr.Pl.Nouv. 7,Pl.7 (1800)
Brachysema R.Br.
Hort.Kew. [W. Aiton] 3:10 (1811)
Burgesia F.Muell.
Fragm. (Mueller) 1:222 (1858)
Burtonia R.Br.
Hort.Kew. [W. Aiton] Ed. 2, 3:12 (1811)
Caesalpinia L.
Sp.Pl. [Linnaeus] 2:380 (1753)
Cajanus DC.
Cat.Pl.Horti.Monsp. 85 (1813)
Cajanus Adans.
Fam.Pl. 2:326,529 (1763)
Callistachys Vent.
Jard.Malmaison 2:115, Pl.115 (1804)
Canavalia DC.
Fam.Pl. 2:325 (1763)
Cassia L.
Sp.Pl. [Linnaeus] 1:376 (1753)
Cathormion Hassk.
Retzia 1:231 (1855)
Centrosema (DC.) Benth.
Commentat.Legum.Gen. 53 (1837)
Chamaecrista (L.) Moench
Methodus 272 (1794)
Chamaecytisus Link
Handbuch 2:154 (1829)
Chorizema Labill.
Voy.Rech.Perouse 1:404, Pl. 21. (1800)
Christia Moench
Suppl.Meth. 39 (1802)
Cicer L.
Sp.Pl. [Linnaeus] 2:738 (1753)
Clianthus Lindl.
Edwards's Bot.Reg. 21:1775 (1835)
Clitoria L.
Sp.Pl. [Linnaeus] 2:753 (1753)
Colophospermum J.Léonard
Bull.Jard.Bot.État.Bruxelles 19:390 (1949)
Cristonia J.H.Ross
Muelleria 15:11 (2001)
Crotalaria L.
Sp.Pl. [Linnaeus] 2:714 (1753)
Cryptosema Meisn.
Pl.Preiss. [J.G.C.Lehmann] 2:206 (1848)
Cullen Medik.
Vorles.Churpfälz.Phys.-Öcon.Ges. 2:381 (1787)
Cupulanthus Hutch.
Gen.Fl.Pl. 1:341 (1964)
Cyclocarpa Baker
Fl.Trop.Afr. [Oliver et al.] 2:151 (1876)
Cyclocarpa Urb.
Jahrb.Kongl.Bot.Gart.Berlin 3:248 (1884)
Cytisus Desf.
Sp.Pl. [Linnaeus] 2:739 (1753)
Daviesia Sm.
Trans.Linn.Soc.London,Bot. 4:220 (1798)
Delonix Raf.
Fl.Tellur. 3:92 (1837)
Dendrolobium (Wight & Arn.) Benth.
Pl.Jungh. 216 (1852)
Desmanthus Willd.
Sp.Pl. [Linnaeus] Ed. 4, 4:1044 (1806)
Desmodiopsis (Schindl.) H.Ohashi & K.Ohashi
J.Jap.Bot. 93:176 (2018)
Desmodium Desv.
J.Bot.Agric. 1:122, Pl.5 (1813)
Dicerma DC.
Prodr. 2:339 (1825)
Dichrostachys (DC.) Wight & Arn.
Prodr.Fl.Ind.Orient. 1:271 (1834)
Dillwynia Sm.
Ann.Bot. 510 (1805)
Dipogon Liebm.
Index Seminum Hort.Univ.Haun. 27 (1854)
Dolichos L.
Sp.Pl. [Linnaeus] 2:725 (1753)
Dunbaria Wight & Arn.
Prodr.Fl.Ind.Orient. 1:258 (1834)
Erichsenia Hemsl.
Hooker's Icon.Pl. Ser.4,8, Pl. 2777 (1905)
Eriosema (DC.) G.Don
Gen.Hist. 2:347 (1832)
Erythrina L.
Sp.Pl. [Linnaeus] 2:706 (1753)
Erythrophleum R.Br.
Narr.Travels Africa 235 (1826)
Erythrostemon Klotzsch
Icon.Pl.Rar. [Link, Klotzsch & Otto] 2:97-98 (1844)
Euchilopsis F.Muell.
Australas.Chem.Druggist 5(13) (1882)
Euchilus R.Br.
Hort.Kew. [W. Aiton] edn. 2, 3:17 (1811)
Eutaxia R.Br.
Hort.Kew. [W. Aiton] 3:16 (1811)
Flemingia W.T.Aiton
Hort.Kew. [W. Aiton] 4:349 (1812)
Galactia P.Browne
Civ.Nat.Hist.Jamaica 298 (1756)
Gastrolobium R.Br.
Hort.Kew. [W. Aiton] 3:16 (1811)
Genista L.
Sp.Pl. [Linnaeus] 2:709 (1753)
Gleditsia L.
Sp.Pl. [Linnaeus] 2:1056 (1753)
Gliricidia Kunth
Nov.Gen.Sp. 6:309 (1824)
Glycine Willd.
Bot.Beob. 54 (1798)
Glycyrrhiza L.
Sp.Pl. [Linnaeus] 2:741 (1753)
Gompholobium Sm.
Trans.Linn.Soc.London,Bot. 4:220 (1798)
Goodia Salisb.
Parad.Lond. 1:Tab.41 (1806)
Grievea R.L.Barrett, Clugston & Orthia
Austral.Syst.Bot. 37(5):13-15 (2024)
Grona Lour.
Fl.Cochinch Edn. 1, 2:459 (1790)
Hardenbergia Benth.
Enum.Pl. 40 (1837)
Hedysarum L.
Sp.Pl. [Linnaeus] 2:745 (1753)
Holtzea Schindl.
Repert.Spec.Nov.Regni Veg. 22:285 (1926)
Hovea R.Br.
Hort.Kew. [W. Aiton] 4:275 (1812)
Indigastrum Jaub. & Spach
Ill.Pl.Orient. 5:101, Tab.492 (1857)
Indigofera L.
Sp.Pl. [Linnaeus] 2:751 (1753)
Isotropis Benth.
Enum.Pl. 28 (1837)
Jacksonia Sm.
Cycl. 18 (1811)
Jansonia Kippist
Gard.Chron. 1847:307 (1847)
Jennata R.L.Barrett, Clugston & Orthia
Austral.Syst.Bot. 37(5):16-17 (2024)
Kennedia Vent.
Jard.Malmaison 2:Pl.104 (1804)
Labichea DC.
Prodr. 2:507 (1825)
Lablab Adans.
Fam.Pl. 2:325 (1763)
Lathyrus L.
Sp.Pl. [Linnaeus] 2:729 (1753)
Latrobea Meisn.
Pl.Preiss. [J.G.C.Lehmann] 2(2-3):219 (1848)
Leptosema Benth.
Commentat.Legum.Gen. 20 (1837)
Lespedeza Michx.
Fl.Bor.-Amer. 2:70, Tab.39 (1803)
Lessertia DC.
Astragalogia 37 (1802)
Leucaena Benth.
J.Bot.(Hooker) 4:416 (1841)
Loricobbia R.L.Barrett, Clugston & Orthia
Austral.Syst.Bot. 37(5):20-23 (2024)
Lotus L.
Sp.Pl. [Linnaeus] 2:773 (1753)
Lupinus L.
Sp.Pl. [Linnaeus] 2:721 (1753)
Lysiphyllum (Benth.) de Wit
Reinwardtia 431 (1956)
Macroptilium (Benth.) Urb.
Symb.Antill. 9:457 (1928)
Macrotyloma (Wight & Arn.) Verdc.
Kew Bull. 24:322 (1970)
Medicago L.
Sp.Pl. [Linnaeus] 2:778 (1753)
Melilotus Mill.
Gard.Dict.Abr. 2 (1754)
Mimosa L.
Sp.Pl. [Linnaeus] 1:516 (1753)
Mirbelia Sm.
Ann.Bot. 1:511 (1805)
Mucuna Adans.
Fam.Pl. 2:325 (1763)
Muelleranthus Hutch.
Gen.Fl.Pl. 1:361 (1964)
Neltuma Raf.
Sylva Tellur. 119 (1838)
Nemcia Domin
Preslia 2:27 (1923)
Neptunia Lour.
Fl.Cochinch 2:653 (1790)
Nomismia Wight & Arn.
Prodr.Fl.Ind.Orient. 1:236 (1834)
Ornithopus L.
Sp.Pl. [Linnaeus] 2:743 (1753)
Oxylobium Andrews
Bot.Repos. 7:P.492 (1807)
Paragoodia I.Thomps.
Muelleria 29:174-175 (2011)
Paraserianthes I.C.Nielsen
Bull.Mus.Natl.Hist.Nat.,B,Adansonia 5:326 (1984)
Paratephrosia Domin
Repert.Spec.Nov.Regni Veg. 11(16-20):261 (1912)
Parkinsonia L.
Sp.Pl. [Linnaeus] 2:375 (1753)
Peltophorum (Vogel) Benth.
J.Bot.(Hooker) 2:75 (1840)
Petalostylis R.Br.
Narrative of an expedition into Central Australia 2 (1849)
Phaseolus L.
Sp.Pl. [Linnaeus] 2:723 (1753)
Phyllodium Desv.
J.Bot.Agric. 1(2):123, Pl. 5, Fig.24 (1813)
Phyllota (DC.) Benth.
Enum.Pl. 33 (1837)
Piliostigma Hochst.
Flora 29:598 (1846)
Pithecolobium Benth.
J.Bot.(Hooker) 3:200 (1841)
Plagiocarpus Benth.
Hooker's Icon.Pl. 12(3):56, Pl. 1162 (1873)
Pleurolobus J.St.-Hil.
Nouv.Bull.Sci.Soc.Philom.Paris 3:192 (1813)
Podalyria Willd.
Sp.Pl. [Linnaeus] 2(1):492 (1792)
Prosopis L.
Mant.Pl. 10 (1767)
Psoralea L.
Sp.Pl. [Linnaeus] 2:762 (1753)
Ptychosema Benth.
Edwards's Bot.Reg. (1839)
Pultenaea Sm.
Spec.Bot.New Holland 1(3):35 (1794)
Pycnospora Wight & Arn.
Prodr.Fl.Ind.Orient. 1:197 (1834)
Retama Raf.
Sylva Tellur. 22 (1838)
Rhynchosia Lour.
Fl.Cochinch 2:460 (1790)
Robinia L.
Sp.Pl. [Linnaeus] 2:722 (1753)
Rothia Pers.
Syn.Pl. 2:638 (1806)
Sclerothamnus R.Br.
Hort.Kew. [W. Aiton] 3:16 (1811)
Senegalia Raf.
Sylva Tellur. 119 (1838)
Senna Mill.
Gard.Dict.Abr. Ed.4 (1754)
Sesbania Scop.
Intr.Hist.Nat. 308 (1777)
Sphaerolobium Sm.
Ann.Bot. 1:509 (1805)
Stylosanthes Sw.
Prodr. 108 (1788)
Sutherlandia R.Br.
Hort.Kew. [W. Aiton] 4:327 (1812)
Swainsona Salisb.
Parad.Lond. 1(1) (1806)
Tadehagi H.Ohashi
Ginkgoana 1:280 (1973)
Tamarindus L.
Sp.Pl. [Linnaeus] 2:34 (1753)
Teline Medik.
Vorles.Churpfälz.Phys.-Öcon.Ges. 342 (1786)
Templetonia R.Br.
Hort.Kew. [W. Aiton] 4:269 (1812)
Tephrosia Pers.
Syn.Pl. 1:328 (1806)
Thinicola J.H.Ross
Muelleria 15:11 (2001)
Trifolium L.
Sp.Pl. [Linnaeus] 2:764 (1753)
Trigonella L.
Sp.Pl. [Linnaeus] 2:776 (1753)
Ulex L.
Sp.Pl. [Linnaeus] 2:741 (1753)
Uraria Desv.
J.Bot.Agric. 1(2):122, Pl. 5, Fig. 19 (1813)
Urodon Turcz.
Bull.Soc.Imp.Naturalistes Moscou 22(2):16 (1849)
Vachellia Wight & Arn.
Prodr.Fl.Ind.Orient. 1:272 (1834)
Vicia L.
Sp.Pl. [Linnaeus] 2:734 (1753)
Vigna Savi
Nuovo.Giorn.Lett. 113 (1824)
Viminaria Sm.
Ann.Bot. 1:507 (1805)
Willdampia A.S.George
W.Austral.Naturalist 22(3):192 (1999)
Zornia J.F.Gmel.
Syst.Nat. 13(2):1076 (1791)

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A taxon name that is no longer current will retain its ‘Threatened’, ‘Extinct’, or ‘Extinct in the Wild’ status until a new name has been published in a Biodiversity Conservation Order.