Lambertia rariflora subsp. lutea (Proteaceae): revised geographical distribution and habitat notes
Lambertia rariflora subsp. lutea Hnatiuk is a recently described tall shrub or small tree from the Walpole Region, south western Australia (Hnatiuk 1995). At the time of its original description the taxon was known from only two collections, habitat details were few, and information on abundance and geographical distribution inadequate. Consequently it has been considered to be possibly rare. As part of our work on a Recovery Plan for the rare, endangered and conservation priority flora of the Department of Conservation and Land Management‘s Southern Forest Region (Hearn et al. in prep.), we undertook a field survey of L. rariflora subsp. lutea . The results are reported here ahead of the Recovery Plan in order to improve the available published information on the species as soon as possible.