At least three plants, Hakea victoria, Gastrolobium leakeanum and Verticordia grandis, all recognized and published by James Drummond, were first published in Perth newspapers, not in journals edited by William Hooker as has been assumed. This is possibly so for other plants attributed to Drummond in Hooker’s journals. The full newspaper account of the expedition on which Drummond made his 4th Collection is reproduced here since Hooker only communicated an abridged version of Drummond’s original letter.
Notes on miscellaneous mimosoid legumes (Leguminosae: Mimosoideae), mostly Australian
Lectotypes have been selected for ten taxa of mimosoid legumes treated for the "Flora of Australia": Albizia canescens Benth., Albizia plurijuga Domin, Albizia retusa Benth., Archidendron hendersonii (F. Muell.) I. Nielsen, Archidendron muellerianum (Maiden & R. Baker) I. Nielsen, Archidendropsis thozetiana (F. Muell.) I. Nielsen, Neptunia gracilis Benth., Neptunia gracilis var. villosula Benth., Neptunia major (Benth.) Windler and Neptunia monosperma F. Muell. ex. Benth. Discussions are included concerning the typification of Mimosa distachya Vent., Pararchidendron pruinosum (Benth.) I. Nielsen and Paraserianthes toona (Bailey) I. Nielsen. In addition, a note is presented concerning the typification of Mimosa pigra L.; the disposition of the name Albizzia amoenissima F. Muell. is discussed; and a new species, Archidendron kanisii, is described.
Banksia integrifolia subsp. aquilonia is raised to specific rank, and B. conferta var. penicillata, B. ericifolia var. macrantha and B. meisneri var. ascendens to subspecific rank. Banksia paludosa subsp. astrolux is described as new. Lectotypes are chosen for Banksia sect. Oncostylis and B. laricina. Banksia oblongifolia subsp. minor, B. occidentalis subsp. formosa and B. seminuda subsp. remanens are not accepted.
Reappraisal of Scaevola oldfieldii (Goodeniaceae) and recognition of a new species S. kallophylla from south-west Western Australia
Recent collection and cultivation of the two rare taxa included in Scaevola oldfieldiisens. lat., showed that they are distinct species; S. oldfieldii F. Muell., a glabrous-leaved shrub to 2.3 m found on rocky slopes between the Murchison River and Geraldton; and S. kallophylla G.J. Howell sp. nov., a pubescent, leafier shrub to 0.8 m on the sandy coastal plain between the Murchison and Greenough Rivers. The taxonomy is discussed and an additional couplet, amending the Scaevola L. key in the "Flora of Australia", is given to accommodate the new species. Both species are illustrated.
Grevillea maccutcheonii (Proteaceae), a new rare Grevillea from Western Australia
KEIGHERY, G.J. AND CRANFIELD, R.J., Nuytsia11 (1): 33–36 (1996)
A new species in the Proteaceae, Grevillea maccutcheonii Keighery & Cranfield, is described and illustrated. The species is critically endangered, being known from only 27 plants in the wild.
A taxonomic revision of Macarthuria (Molluginaceae) in Western Australia
The genus Macarthuria (Molluginaceae) in Western Australia is revised, and six species are recognized. A key and distribution maps are provided, along with illustrations of selected species. Macarthuria keigheryi Lepschi and M. vertex Lepschi are described as new, and the name Macarthuria australis Hügel ex Endl. is neotypified.
New species in Drosera sect. Lasiocephala (Droseraceae) from tropical northern Australia
Five new Drosera species, D. brevicornis Lowrie, D. broomensis Lowrie, D. caduca Lowrie, D. darwinensis Lowrie and D. derbyensis Lowrie, are described and illustrated. D. fulva Planchon is recognized as a valid species and is described in detail as well as illustrated. All these taxa are from tropical northern Australia and belong in Drosera sect. Lasiocephala. A key is provided to all species in sect. Lasiocephala.
Anthocercis sylvicola (Solanaceae), a rare new species from the tingle forests of Walpole, south-western Australia
MACFARLANE, T.D. AND WARDELL-JOHNSON, G., Nuytsia11 (1): 71–78 (1996)
The rare new locally endemic species Anthocercis sylvicola T.D. Macfarlane & Wardell-Johnson is described and illustrated photographically. Anthocercis sylvicola is most closely related to A. genistoides Miers and A. anisantha Endl., but differing most obviously in the smaller green and purple flowers. It is the only member of the genus confined to tall open-forest. Although restricted, its distribution shows a marked discontinuity, a common situation for conservative, relictual high-rainfall taxa in the area. The species is of conservation interest owing to the small area of distribution and small number of plants and populations known. It is listed among conservation priority taxa for Western Australia. A revised key to the spinescent species of Anthocercis is presented.
A taxonomic review of the genera Lachnostachys, Newcastelia and Physopsis (Chloanthaceae) in Western Australia
Three species are transferred from Newcastelia to Physopsis, bringing the total number of species in the latter genus to five. Keys are provided for the genera of tribe Physopsideae and the species belonging to Lachnostachys, Newcastelia and Physopsis . Information on the Western Australian members of each of these three genera, including distribution, habitat, flowering time and conservation status, is also given, and the new species Newcastelia roseoazurea Rye is described.
A synopsis of the genera Pomaderris, Siegfriedia, Spyridium and Trymalium (Rhamnaceae) in Western Australia
Keys and distribution maps are given for Western Australian Rhamnaceae in the genera Pomaderris, Siegfriedia, Spyridium and Trymalium, together with brief information on each taxon, including its habitat, flowering period, conservation status and synonyms. The new combination Pomaderris rotundifolia (F. Muell.) Rye is made, the new taxon Trymalium myrtillus subsp. pungens is described, and several taxa of conservation significance are illustrated.
A new subspecies in Muehlenbeckia horrida (Polygonaceae) from Western Australia.
In 1992 the author collected (voucher Keighery 11030) an unknown vigorous twining annual vine superficially similar to Fumaria capreolata L. (Fumariaceae), but with yellow flowers and spiny fruits (Figure 1). The plants were growing in Banksia woodland below Reabold Hill in Bold Regional Park, 8 km west of Perth. It was subsequently identified as Succowia balearica (L.) Medicus, a native of the western Mediterranean.
Lambertia rariflora subsp. lutea (Proteaceae): revised geographical distribution and habitat notes
MACFARLANE, T.D.,HEARN, R.W. AND ANNELS, A.R., Nuytsia11 (1): 141–143 (1996)
Lambertia rariflora subsp. lutea Hnatiuk is a recently described tall shrub or small tree from the Walpole Region, south western Australia (Hnatiuk 1995). At the time of its original description the taxon was known from only two collections, habitat details were few, and information on abundance and geographical distribution inadequate. Consequently it has been considered to be possibly rare. As part of our work on a Recovery Plan for the rare, endangered and conservation priority flora of the Department of Conservation and Land Management‘s Southern Forest Region (Hearn et al. in prep.), we undertook a field survey of L. rariflora subsp. lutea . The results are reported here ahead of the Recovery Plan in order to improve the available published information on the species as soon as possible.
Volume 11 Number 2 (10 March 1997)
Three new species of Phyllanthus (Euphorbiaceae: Phyllantheae) for the Northern Territory, one new species for Western Australia, and notes on other Phyllanthus species occurring in these regions
HUNTER, J.T. AND BRUHL, J.J., Nuytsia11 (2): 147–163 (1997)
Phyllanthus cauticola, P. prominulatus and P. sulcatus from the Northern Territory, and P. baeckeoides from Western Australia are described. Notes are presented on the nomenclatural problems of previously named taxa from these regions. A key to the species of Phyllanthus L. from the Northern Territory and Western Australia is presented.
New Sauropus (Euphorbiaceae: Phyllantheae) taxa for the Northern Territory and Western Australia and notes on other Sauropus occurring in these regions
HUNTER, J.T. AND BRUHL, J.J., Nuytsia11 (2): 165–184 (1997)
Eight new species of Sauropus Blume are described and notes are provided on their distribution and conservation status: S. arenosus, S. dunlopii, S. filicinus, S. gracilis, S. paucifolius, S. rimophilus, S. salignus, and S. torridus . A new combination, S. stenocladus (Muell. Arg.) J.T. Hunter & J.J. Bruhl is made and a new subspecies, S. stenocladus subsp. pinifolius, is described. Notes and synonymy are provided for S. trachyspermus (F. Muell.) Airy Shaw. A key to all species and subspecies of Sauropus occurring within the Northern Territory and Western Australia is presented.
Six new species of triggerplant (Stylidium: Stylidiaceae) from south-west Western Australia
LOWRIE, A. AND KENNEALLY, K.F., Nuytsia11 (2): 185–198 (1997)
Six new Stylidium species from the south-west of Western Australia, Stylidium burbidgeanum, S. glabrifolium, S. kalbarriense, S. torticarpum, S. tylosum and S. udusicola Lowrie & Kenneally, are described and illustrated. Three of these species have conservation priority.
Eight new species of triggerplant (Stylidium: Stylidiaceae) from northern Australia
LOWRIE, A. AND KENNEALLY, K.F., Nuytsia11 (2): 199–217 (1997)
Eight new Stylidium species, S. adenophorum, S. barrettorum, S. clarksonii, S. mucronatum, S. perizostera, S. prophyllum, S. rivulosum and S. turbinatum Lowrie & Kenneally, are described and illustrated.
Acacia colei var. ileocarpa (Leguminosae: Mimosoideae), a new taxon from the tropical dry-zone of north-west Australia
MCDONALD, M.W. AND MASLIN, B.R., Nuytsia11 (2): 219–223 (1997)
Acacia colei var. ileocarpa M.W. McDonald & Maslin, var. nov., a newly recognized variant of A. colei Maslin & L.A.J. Thomson, is described, illustrated and its natural distribution mapped. This variety differs most significantly from var. colei by its tightly, irregularly coiled or twisted pods which are very similar to those found on related species A. holosericea Cunn. ex Don and A. neurocarpa Cunn. ex Hook.
A revision of Gardenia (Rubiaceae) from northern and north-western Australia
The twelve species of Gardenia Ellis endemic to tropical Australia west of the Queensland Gulf country are revised. Gardenia dacryoides Puttock, G. faucicola Puttock, G. gardneri Puttock, G. jabiluka Puttock G. kakaduensis Puttock and G. sericea Puttock are described as new to science. Gardenia megasperma var. arborea Ewart is raised to species rank as G. ewartii Puttock. A new name, G. schwarzii Puttock and neotype are provided for G. petiolata O. Schwarz. Gardenia keartlandii Tate is reduced to a subspecies of G. pyriformis A. Cunn. ex Benth. and three new subspecies are recognized: G. pyriformis subsp. orientalis Puttock, G. resinosa subsp. kimberleyensis Puttock and G. ewartii subsp. fitzgeraldii Puttock. Descriptions and a key to all taxa are provided.
Three new annual species of Schoenus (Cyperaceae) from the south-west of Western Australia
Three new species in the Cyperaceae, Schoenus badius Rye, S. plumosus Rye and S. variicellae Rye, are described and illustrated. All are annual plants apparently endemic to the south-west of Western Australia and one of them is on the Priority Flora List.
The following new species of Cyperaceae from Western Austrralia are described: Cyathochaeta equitans K.L. Wilson (C. clandestina auct.), C. stipoides K.L. Wilson, Eleocharis keigheryi K.L. Wilson, Gahnia sclerioides K.L. Wilson, Schoenus calcatus K.L. Wilson, S. griffinianus K.L. Wilson and S. insolitus K.L. Wilson.
A new subspecies of Lambertia echinata (Proteaceae)
During the field work for a floristic survey of the Swan Coastal Plain (Gibson et al. 1994) a series of areas of unusual plant communities on shallow soils over sheet ironstone were documented. A number of plant taxa found in these areas, including Lambertia echinata R. Br., have been reduced to a single or very few populations with critically low numbers of individuals.
Occurrence and spread of Sea Spurge (Euphorbia paralias) along the west coast of Western Australia
KEIGHERY, G.J. AND DODD, J., Nuytsia11 (2): 285–286 (1997)
Euphorbia paralias along the west coast of Western Australia Euphorbia paralias L. (Sea Spurge) is a herbaceous perennial native to the Atlantic and Mediterranean coasts of Europe, where it is locally abundant on sandy shores, young sand dunes and fine shingle (Blamey & Grey-Wilson 1987). It has become established along the southern coast of mainland Australia from Western Australia to Victoria and north-east Tasmania (Hnatiuk 1990).
The Rhamnaceae of the Kimberley Region of Western Australia
Six native species of Rhamnaceae, all in different genera, are known from the Northern Botanical Province of Western Australia. This province is equivalent to the Kimberley Region as defined in "Flora of the Kimberley Region", in which five of the Rhamnaceae species are described and illustrated (Wheeler 1992). Since publication of the Kimberley flora, a further species and genus, Colubrina asiatica, has been discovered at Koolama Bay in the far north of the Kimberley, and there has been an alteration of the specific name used for the Alphitonia species in the region. In addition, unpublished work on generic boundaries in the Rhamnaceae suggests that the species currently known as Cryptandra intratropica should be placed in a new genus (K. Thiele pers. comm.).
Volume 11 Number 3 (10 October 1997)
Goodenia katabudjar (Goodeniaceae), a new species from south-west Western Australia
CRANFIELD, R.J. AND SAGE, L.W., Nuytsia11 (3): 297–299 (1997)
A new species of Goodenia (Goodeniaceae) endemic to the Darling District, South West Botanical Province, G. katatbudjar Cranfield & Sage, is described and illustrated. A key to the species considered to be similar to G. katabudjar is provided and the differences between these are briefly noted.
Taxonomic notes on Boronia species of north-western Australia, including a revision of the Boronia lanuginosa group (Boronia section Valvatae : Rutaceae)
The revision of Boronia (Rutaceae) in the Northern Territory, the Kimberley Region of Western Australia, and north-western Queensland is completed, and a key to all species is provided. The B. lanuginosa Endl. species group is characterized as those species with pinnate leaves, a calyx as large as or larger than the corolla, multiangular stellate hairs, and a pronounced ridge on the micropylar side of the seed. This clade comprises the B. lanuginosa species complex, B. filicifolia A. Cunn. ex Benth., B. pauciflora W. Fitzg. and five newly described species: viz. B. decumbens Duretto, B. minutipinna Duretto, B. kalumburuensis Duretto, B. jucunda Duretto and B. tolerans Duretto. The B. lanuginosa species complex has four available names and was analysed numerically using phenetic methods. Two taxa were identified in the analysis. Boronia artemisiifolia var. wilsonii F. Muell. ex Benth. is raised to specific status while B. affinis R. Br. ex Benth. and B. artemisiifolia F. Muell. are synonymized under B. lanuginosa . Additionally, B. rupicola Duretto is described, and B. filicifolia, B. lanceolata F. Muell. , B. lanuginosa and B. pauciflora are lectotypified.
Drosera paradoxa (Droseraceae), a new species from northern Australia
The new species D. paradoxa Lowrie is described and illustrated. It occurs in tropical northern Australia and belongs in Drosera sect. Lasiocephala Planchon.
A taxonomic review of Stylidium subgenus Forsteropsis (Stylidiaceae)
LOWRIE, A. AND KENNEALLY, K.F., Nuytsia11 (3): 353–364 (1997)
Three new species of Stylidium Willd. (Stylidiaceae) from south-west Western Australia, Stylidium leeuwinense, S. marradongense and S. semaphorum Lowrie & Kenneally are described and illustrated. Descriptions and illustrations of S. imbricatum Benth. and S. preissii (Sond.) F. Muell. are provided for comparison and to complete this review of Stylidium subgenus Forsteropsis (Sond.) Mildbr.
A taxonomic revision of the Eucalyptus striaticalyx group (Eucalyptus series Rufispermae : Myrtaceae)
A taxonomic revision of Eucalyptus striaticalyx W. Fitzg. sens. lat. has been undertaken based on morphological characteristics observed through field studies, herbarium research and seedling trials. E. striaticalyx W. Fitzg. subsp. striaticalyx, from the northern goldfields and E. clelandii F. Muell. from the central goldfields of Western Australia are treated and new taxa are described here as E. striaticalyx subsp. delicata Nicolle & P.J. Lang, restricted to a couple of lunette systems in the northern goldfields of Western Australia, E. gypsophila Nicolle, widespread in the Great Victoria Desert of Western Australia and South Australia, with remnant populations extending to the Gascoyne Region of Western Australia, E. repullulans Nicolle from the Pilbara area of Western Australia, and E. canescens Nicolle (with subsp. canescens and subsp. beadellii Nicolle), apparently endemic to the southern Great Victoria Desert of South Australia. Keys, maps and representative illustrations for all the described species are provided.
A synopsis of the annual species of Cyperaceae from central and southern Western Australia
A synopsis, keys and distribution maps are provided for all the annual species of Cyperaceae known from the Eremaean and South West Botanical Provinces of Western Australia. Selected species are illustrated. Some taxa are of conservation significance, including about six species each known from only one collection.
Digitaria aequiglumis (Poaceae), a new weed for Western Australia
LEPSCHI, B.J. AND MACFARLANE, T.D., Nuytsia11 (3): 425–427 (1997)
Digitaria Haller is a cosmopolitan genus represented in Western Australia by 15 indigenous and four introduced species. In early 1996, the first author collected a weedy Digitaria (Lepschi & Lally 2486) on the northern outskirts of Perth which did not match any Digitaria species so far recorded from Western Australia. Subsequent examination of the collection by the second author revealed the plant to be D. aequiglumis (Hackel & Arechav.) Parodi, a South American species sparingly naturalized in eastern and southern Australia (Webster 1984).
A treatment of the genus Crowea (Rutaceae) for Volume 26 of the "Flora of Australia" has been submitted. This paper describes a new subspecies included in that treatment and explains the nomenclatural decision that was taken with regard to the use of one of the varietal names.