Volume 30
Issue Date: 10 December 2019
Permalink: https://doi.org/10.58828/niss00103
Nomenclatural updates and a new species of annual Hydrocotyle (Araliaceae) from Western Australia
PERKINS, A.J., Nuytsia 30: 253–277 (2019)
This treatment deals with five annual Western Australian species of Hydrocotyle L. and is based on the outcomes of a recent molecular phylogenetic study combined with a re-evaluation of schizocarp morphology. Hydrocotyle perplexa A.J.Perkins is newly named, H. intertexta R.Br ex A.Rich. is reinstated, and the three other species covered are H. glochidiata Benth., H. scutellifera Benth. and H. tetragonocarpa Bunge. Three taxa are placed in synonymy: H. blepharocarpa F.Muell. under H. scutellifera, H. pilifera Turcz. under H. intertexta and H. hispidula var. tenella Benth. under H. perplexa. Lectotypes are selected for five of these names, and full descriptions, distribution maps and images are provided for all five species. Details of the history of recognition of these species, and a series of misapplications of names, are also given.
Update on generic and specific nomenclature in Paracaleana (Drakaeinae), Caladeniinae and a new name in Caladenia (Orchidaceae)
HOPPER, STEPHEN D. AND BROWN, A.P., Nuytsia 30: 279–285 (2019)
Accepting guidance on stability of names from the Preamble to successive International Codes of Botanical Nomenclature, and in the interests of minimizing name changes consistent with present scientific evidence, we propose that the Australian orchid genus Paracaleana should be maintained as a distinct genus from Caleana, and that Caladenia remains best recognised as distinct from Cyanicula, Ericksonella, Pheladenia, Glossodia and Elythranthera. Recent proposals to lump these genera unnecessarily creates new names in the absence of compelling new scientific evidence to do so. A new name, Caladenia varians Hopper & A.P.Br., is erected to replace C. vulgata Hopper & A.P.Br. The type of C. vulgata matches Caladenia incensum Hopper & A.P.Br., and the former species is therefore rendered synonymous with the latter.
Paracaleana ferricola (Orchidaceae), a new, rare species from the south-west of Western Australia
BROWN, A.P. AND BROCKMAN, G., Nuytsia 30: 287–289 (2019)
The Hibbertia polystachya–H. spicata (Dilleniaceae) species group in Western Australia
THIELE, K.R., Nuytsia 30: 291–308 (2019)
Hibbertia spicata F.Muell. and H. polystachya Benth. are widespread in south-western Western Australia, where they are unique in Hibbertia Andrews in having flowers in a cincinnus rather than solitary. The boundary between these two species has been problematic, as they mostly differ in the composition and density of indumentum on their sepals and leaves. Close study has revealed that H. polystachya is widespread and taxonomically relatively straightforward, while H. spicata sens. lat. comprises six distinctive, readily resolvable species (including H. leptotheca (J.R.Wheeler) K.R.Thiele comb. et stat. nov., previously H. spicata subsp. leptotheca J.R.Wheeler) differing in leaf and sepal indumentum, number of flowers in the cincinnus, floral bract shapes, stamen number, and number and arrangement of staminodes. New species described here are H. capensis K.R.Thiele sp. nov., H. asterella K.R.Thiele sp. nov. and H. subglabra K.R.Thiele sp. nov. The new name H. prolata K.R.Thiele is provided for a widespread taxon based on Hemistephus linearis J.Drumm. ex Harv. With these species removed, H. spicata is recircumscribed and is now more restricted in distribution.
A new name, clarification of synonymy, and a new subspecies for Isopogon (Proteaceae) in Western Australia
RYE, B.L. AND MACFARLANE, T.D., Nuytsia 30: 309–316 (2019)
Isopogon drummondii Benth. nom. illeg. is lectotypified and replaced by the new name I. autumnalis Rye & T.Macfarlane while I. drummondii Hügel ex Jacques is recognised as a probable synonym of I. sphaerocephalus Lindl. The new subspecies I. sphaerocephalus subsp. lesueurensis Rye is described.
Circumscription of Chamelaucium (Myrtaceae: Chamelaucieae), with validation of six species names and two new combinations
MARCHANT, N.G., Nuytsia 30: 317–334 (2019)
An updated description of the genus Chamelaucium Desf. compiled from all currently recognised formal and informal taxa is presented to establish the status of Chamelaucium at generic level within the Myrtaceae, tribe Chamelaucieae. Descriptions are provided for C. erythrochlorum N.G.Marchant, C. floriferum N.G.Marchant, and its two subspecies, C. lullfitzii N.G.Marchant, C. orarium N.G.Marchant, C. roycei N.G.Marchant, and C. xanthocladum N.G.Marchant. New combinations are made and descriptions provided for C. forrestii (F.Muell.) N.G.Marchant, and C. repens (A.S.George) N.G.Marchant. Precise localities for all taxa have been withheld for conservation reasons.
Hibbertia tuberculata (Dilleniaceae), a new, rare species from Western Australia
THIELE, K.R., Nuytsia 30: 335–338 (2019)
Updates to Western Australia’s vascular plant census for 2019
PARKER, C.M. AND PERCY-BOWER, J.M., Nuytsia 30: 339–351 (2019)