Ludwig Diels and Ernst Pritzel undertook a two year collecting trip between 1900–1902 that included Western Australia, the eastern seaboard and New Zealand. Material collected on this expedition resulted in publication of over 300 new taxa. The loss of many of Diels’ types during a bombing raid on Berlin in 1943 has resulted in a need to designate neotypes for many of these names. The history and possible nomenclatural significance of the joint collections they donated to the Western Australian Museum in 1901 is examined to assist identification of candidate material.
Hydrocotyle spinulifera and H. dimorphocarpa (Araliaceae), two new Western Australian species with dimorphic mericarps
Eight new species belonging to Hysterobaeckea (Nied.) Rye are described: H. cornuta Rye, H. glandulosa Rye, H. graniticola Rye, H. longipes Rye, H. occlusa Rye, H. petraea Rye, H. pterocera Rye and H. setifera Rye. Hysterobaeckea ochropetala (F.Muell.) Rye is broadly delimited and two new subspecies are described as subsp. cometes Rye and subsp. reliqua Rye. The new subspecies H. setifera subsp. meridionalis Rye is also described. Six of the new taxa have conservation priority. A key is given for the named members of the genus.
Eucalyptus revelata, a rare new species related to E. mooreana (Myrtaceae) from the Kimberley region of Western Australia
NICOLLE, D. AND BARRETT, R.L., Nuytsia29: 109–118 (2018)
Two variants of E. mooreana W.Fitzg. s. lat., a rare species from the Kimberley region of Western Australia, are found to be specifically distinct. A revised description of E. mooreana is provided and E. revelata D.Nicolle & R.L.Barrett is described to accommodate plants with a more sprawling habit, less powdery and less uniformly-coloured bark, non- or weakly-pruinose features, green leaves and generally smaller fruits. Both E. mooreana and E. revelata are restricted to steep rocky slopes and mountain ridges in the higher parts of the King Leopold Ranges. A key to the terminal taxa of Eucalyptus ser. Subexsertae (Benth.) Blakely (the ‘northern white gums’) is provided. Authorship of the name E. mooreana is discussed and attributed to W.V. Fitzgerald rather than J.H. Maiden. A new lectotype is designated as the previous designation was found to be ineffective.
By their fruit you will recognise them: species notes and typifications in Western Australian species of Opercularia (Rubiaceae: Anthosperminae)
An examination of herbarium collections, type material and reference to original species descriptions has found that several species names of Opercularia Gaertn. have been misapplied in Western Australia. This nomenclatural confusion stems from a combination of missing types, a lack of reference to either types or correctly identified specimens, and no recent revisions of the genus. Previously presumed to be extinct, O. acolytantha Diels is neotypified and discussed here as an extant species endemic to the Mallee and Esperance bioregions of Western Australia. Opercularia hirsuta Benth. is found to be a far rarer species than previously thought, with no material matching the type collected since the 1860s. Opercularia nubicola A.S.Markey is described as a new species with affinities to O. aspera Gaertn. Opercularia rubioides Juss. is reduced to synonymy with O. aspera,which is excluded from Western Australia. Opercularia scabrida Schltdl. is also excluded from Western Australia. This paper provides updated notes, illustrations and a key to Western Australian species of Opercularia. Characteristics of the infructescence, fruits and seed are diagnostic for these species and are illustrated here for this purpose.
Tecticornia willisii (Chenopodiaceae), a new samphire from the Little Sandy Desert in Western Australia
This treatment focuses on an informal group of six species where Lasiopetalum bracteatum (Endl.) Benth., L. membranaceum (Steud.) Benth. and L. molle Benth. are revised and lectotypified, an updated description of the Threatened species L. rotundifolium Paust is provided, and two new related species of conservation concern, L. decoratum K.A.Sheph. & C.F.Wilkins and L. rupicola K.A.Sheph. & C.F.Wilkins, are described. Images and distribution maps are included.
Typification of Lasiopetalum and an interim key to the Western Australian species of the genus (Malvaceae: Byttnerioideae)
SHEPHERD, K.A. AND WILKINS, C.F., Nuytsia29: 181–192 (2018)
Lasiopetalum ferrugineum Sm. is lectotypified and selected as the type for Lasiopetalum Sm. Notes on the variation within L. rosmarinifolium (Turcz.) Benth. are provided, with L. rosmarinifolium var. latifolium (Turcz.) Benth. and L. sp. Kukerin (C.A. Gardner 13646) treated as synonyms. A preliminary key to the species of Western Australian Lasiopetalum is also presented.
Three new perennial species of Calandrinia (Montiaceae) from southern Western Australia
Three new species of Calandrinia Kunth. sect. Pseudodianthoideae Poelln. from Western Australia (C. quartzitica Obbens, C. lefroyensis Obbens and C. wilsonii Obbens) are described and illustrated. All occur in the south-west, where there is only one other perennial species known to date.
Hydrocotyle asterocarpa, H. decorata and H. perforata (Araliaceae), three new Western Australian species with spicate inflorescences