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The journal of the Western Australian Herbarium


Volumes 1–14 are available for download via the Biodiversity Heritage Library’s (BHL) page for Nuytsia.

Displaying records 1–20 of 51

50 years of botanical discovery: a golden anniversary edition of Nuytsia, the journal of the Western Australian Herbarium

WEGE, J.A. AND SHEPHERD, K.A., Nuytsia 31: 1–7 (2020)

Few and far between: Philotheca richardsoniana (Rutaceae), a new rarity from Western Australia’s Avon Wheatbelt

WEGE, J.A. AND HISLOP, M., Nuytsia 31: 9–13 (2020)

Dancing Lechenaultia (Lechenaultia orchestris, Goodeniaceae), a new species with horticultural potential from southern Western Australia

SHEPHERD, K.A. AND HISLOP, M., Nuytsia 31: 15–18 (2020)

Calytrix insperata (Myrtaceae): a new Western Australian species opportunistically discovered on vacation

RYE, B.L., Nuytsia 31: 19–22 (2020)

A new Fringe Lily from Kalbarri National Park (Thysanotus kalbarriensis, Asparagaceae)

MACFARLANE, T.D., FRENCH, C.J. AND CONRAN, J.G., Nuytsia 31: 23–27 (2020)

Babingtonia peteriana (Myrtaceae: Chamelaucieae), an ornate novelty from south-western Australia

RYE, B.L., Nuytsia 31: 29–33 (2020)

Clastoderma confusum (Myxomycetes: Amoebozoa), a remarkable new species of slime mould from Western Australia

KNIGHT, K.J. AND LADO, C., Nuytsia 31: 35–40 (2020)

The Golden-goo Hibiscus (Hibiscus chrysinocolla, Malvaceae), a new species from Katjarra, Western Australia

MCLAY, T.G.B. AND DILLON, S.J., Nuytsia 31: 41–45 (2020)

Tephrosia cardiophylla (Fabaceae: Millettieae), a distinctive, new, conservation-listed species from Western Australia’s Kimberley sandstones

BUTCHER, R., Nuytsia 31: 47–51 (2020)

Stachystemon exilis (Euphorbiaceae), a new and potentially threatened species from the Swan Coastal Plain

HISLOP, M. AND DAVIS, R.W., Nuytsia 31: 53–57 (2020)

Thomasia julietiae (Malvaceae), a delicate new species with horticultural potential from south-western Australia

SHEPHERD, K.A. AND WILKINS, C.F., Nuytsia 31: 59–63 (2020)

Champia patula (Champiaceae, Rhodymeniales), a new red algal species from the Perth region, Western Australia

HUISMAN, J.M. AND SAUNDERS, G.W., Nuytsia 31: 65–68 (2020)

Living on the edge: Hemigenia diadela (Lamiaceae), a new species from remnant vegetation in Western Australia’s northern Avon Wheatbelt

WEGE, J.A. AND GUERIN, G.R., Nuytsia 31: 69–73 (2020)

Hibbertia proberae (Dilleniaceae), a new, rare and geographically anomalous species from the Great Victoria Desert of Western Australia

THIELE, K.R., Nuytsia 31: 75–78 (2020)

Grevillea hystrix (Proteaceae), a poorly known species from sandplain country in Western Australia’s Coolgardie bioregion

DAVIS, R.W., Nuytsia 31: 79–82 (2020)

Corchorus fitzroyensis (Malvaceae: Grewioideae), a new, poorly known species from Western Australia’s Kimberley region

DILLON, S.J., BARRETT, R.L. AND SHEPHERD, K.A., Nuytsia 31: 83–87 (2020)

Worthy of love: Geleznowia amabilis (Rutaceae), a stunning new species of ‘Yellow Bells’ from Kalbarri in Western Australia

SHEPHERD, K.A. AND CRAWFORD, A.D., Nuytsia 31: 89–93 (2020)

Sixty years in the making: Isopogon nutans (Proteaceae), a new species with pendulous flower heads

RYE, B.L. AND HISLOP, M., Nuytsia 31: 95–99 (2020)

Schoenus coultasii (Cyperaceae: Schoeneae), a new annual species known from a single site in the Pilbara region of Western Australia

HISLOP, M., Nuytsia 31: 101–106 (2020)

A rediscovered rarity: Pimelea cruciata (Thymelaeaceae), a new species from Western Australia’s Mallee bioregion

RYE, B.L. AND WEGE, J.A., Nuytsia 31: 107–110 (2020)

Leucopogon kirupensis (Ericaceae: Styphelioideae: Styphelieae), a new, short-range endemic from the south-west corner of Western Australia

HISLOP, M., Nuytsia 31: 111–115 (2020)

Kunzea dracopetrensis (Myrtaceae: Leptospermeae), an uncommon new species from Western Australia’s south-eastern wheatbelt

BUTCHER, R., Nuytsia 31: 117–123 (2020)

Following a path less trodden: the new apetalous species Cryptandra subtilis (Rhamnaceae)

RYE, B.L. AND HISLOP, M., Nuytsia 31: 125–128 (2020)

Better the devil you know: Teucrium diabolicum (Lamiaceae), a new species from mining tenements in the Coolgardie bioregion

WEGE, J.A. AND DAVIS, R.W., Nuytsia 31: 129–133 (2020)

Remarkably unremarkable: Tecticornia enodis (Chenopodiaceae), a new samphire with smooth seeds from the arid interior of Western Australia

SHEPHERD, K.A., Nuytsia 31: 135–139 (2020)

Description of the rare Goldfields Laceflower, Thryptomene planiflora (Myrtaceae)

RYE, B.L., Nuytsia 31: 141–145 (2020)

Styphelia capillaris (Ericaceae: Epacridoideae: Styphelieae), a formal name for a Critically Endangered species from Wandoo National Park

HISLOP, M., Nuytsia 31: 147–151 (2020)

Olearia adpressa (Asteraceae: Astereae), a new, geographically restricted species from shale breakaways in the Mid West of Western Australia

HISLOP, M., Nuytsia 31: 153–156 (2020)

Formal naming of Bossiaea reptans (Fabaceae), an endangered species from the Warren region, Western Australia

MACFARLANE, T.D., ROSS, J.H., SMITH, J. AND HEARN, R.W., Nuytsia 31: 157–161 (2020)

Out of the dark: Leptofauchea lucida (Rhodymeniales: Faucheaceae), a new red algal species from the Houtman Abrolhos, Western Australia

HUISMAN, J.M. AND SAUNDERS, G.W., Nuytsia 31: 163–167 (2020)

A new Wedding Bush from the eastern goldfields of Western Australia (Ricinocarpos digynus: Euphorbiaceae)

HISLOP, M. AND WEGE, J.A., Nuytsia 31: 169–173 (2020)

Gomphrena verecunda (Amaranthaceae), a modest new species from Western Australia’s arid zone

DAVIS, R.W., Nuytsia 31: 175–178 (2020)

Nowhere to be seen: Deyeuxia abscondita (Poaceae), a new but presumed extinct species from south-western Australia

MACFARLANE, T.D., Nuytsia 31: 179–185 (2020)

A case of mistaken identity: Isotropis iophyta (Fabaceae), a new Western Australian Lamb’s Poison previously confused with I. forrestii

WEGE, J.A. AND DAVIS, R.W., Nuytsia 31: 187–191 (2020)

Goodenia quartzitica (Goodeniaceae), a new range-restricted species discovered in a remote part of the eastern Gascoyne bioregion

SHEPHERD, K.A., Nuytsia 31: 193–196 (2020)

Wurmbea flavanthera (Yellow-anthered Wurmbea, Colchicaceae), a new species from Western Australia’s Mid West region

MACFARLANE, T.D., BROWN, A.P. AND FRENCH, C.J., Nuytsia 31: 197–202 (2020)

Shining some light on a poorly known species: Haloragis luminosa (Haloragaceae), a new Western Australian species from a Threatened Ecological Community

WEGE, J.A. AND ORCHARD, A.E., Nuytsia 31: 203–206 (2020)

Beyeria lateralis (Euphorbiaceae), a previously overlooked new species from Western Australia’s Mallee region

HISLOP, M., Nuytsia 31: 207–211 (2020)

Acacia lachnocarpa (Fabaceae), a new, geographically restricted Wattle from the Coolgardie bioregion of Western Australia

DAVIS, R.W. AND HISLOP, M., Nuytsia 31: 213–216 (2020)

Between a rock and a hard place: Quoya zonalis (Lamiaceae: Chloantheae), a threatened Foxglove from Western Australia’s Pilbara bioregion

SHEPHERD, K.A. AND HISLOP, M., Nuytsia 31: 217–221 (2020)

Gompholobium glabristylum (Fabaceae), a new native pea from montane habitats in Stirling Range National Park

WILKINS, C.F. AND SANDIFORD, E.M., Nuytsia 31: 223–227 (2020)

Persistence pays off: resolution of Lasiopetalum hapalocalyx (Malvaceae: Byttnerioideae), a new species from south-western Australia

SHEPHERD, K.A. AND WILKINS, C.F., Nuytsia 31: 229–232 (2020)

Life on the rocks: Darwinia sphaerica (Myrtaceae: Chamelaucieae), a new species currently known from one granite outcrop

DAVIS, R.W. AND RYE, B.L., Nuytsia 31: 233–237 (2020)

Caesia arcuata (Hemerocallidaceae) from Western Australia, a new rarity with curved inflorescence branches

MACFARLANE, T.D., CONRAN, J.G. AND FRENCH, C.J., Nuytsia 31: 239–242 (2020)

Microcorys elatoides (Lamiaceae), a new species from the Coolgardie bioregion of Western Australia

WILSON, TREVOR C. AND HISLOP, M., Nuytsia 31: 243–248 (2020)

Crystal clear: Dampiera prasiolitica (Goodeniaceae), a distinctive new Western Australian species with translucent sepals

SHEPHERD, K.A. AND HISLOP, M., Nuytsia 31: 249–252 (2020)

Stylidium shepherdianum (Stylidiaceae), a new Boomerang Triggerplant from Western Australia’s Mallee bioregion

WEGE, J.A., Nuytsia 31: 253–257 (2020)

A new species that’s worth its salt: Verticordia elizabethiae (Myrtaceae: Chamelaucieae), a salt-tolerant rarity from semi-arid Western Australia

RYE, B.L. AND BARRETT, M.D., Nuytsia 31: 259–263 (2020)

Leeuwen’s Lily (Arthropodium vanleeuwenii: Asparagaceae), a remarkable new discovery from the Pilbara, Western Australia

DILLON, S.J. AND MACFARLANE, T.D., Nuytsia 31: 265–269 (2020)

Stenanthera localis (Ericaceae: Epacridoideae: Styphelieae), a new rarity from Western Australia

HISLOP, M., Nuytsia 31: 271–275 (2020)

Snakewood Mistletoe (Amyema xiphophylla: Loranthaceae), a distinctive new species from Western Australia’s arid zone

WEGE, J.A. AND START, A.N., Nuytsia 31: 277–281 (2020)