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The journal of the Western Australian Herbarium


Volumes 1–14 are available for download via the Biodiversity Heritage Library’s (BHL) page for Nuytsia.

Displaying records 1–20 of 24.

A taxonomic revision of Eucalyptus wandoo, E. redunca and allied species (Eucalyptus series Levispermae Maiden - Myrtaceae) in Western Australia

BROOKER, M.I.H. AND HOPPER, STEPHEN D., Nuytsia 8 (1): 1–189 (1991)


Apatophyllum macgillivrayi (Celastraceae), a new species from south-west Western Australia

CRANFIELD, R.J. AND LANDER, N.S., Nuytsia 8 (2): 191–194 (1992)

A new species of Apatophyllum (Celastraceae) endemic to the Austin Botanical District of the Eremaean Botanical Province of Western Australia, namely A. macgillivrayi Cranfield & Lander, is described. A key to species of Apatophyllum and a map of their distribution is provided. The differences between Apatophyllum and the putatively related genus Psammomoya are briefly noted.

Eucalyptus ordiana (Myrtaceae), a new species from the Kimberley, Western Australia

DUNLOP, C.R., Nuytsia 8 (2): 195–199 (1992)

A new species of Eucalyptus series Subexsertae is described and illustrated. The species is known only from populations just south of Kununurra, Western Australia.

A taxonomic account of the genus Calotropis R.Br. (Asclepiadaceae) in Australia

FORSTER, PAUL I., Nuytsia 8 (2): 201–208 (1992)

Two species of Calotropis R.Br., C. procera (Ait.) Ait. f. and C. gigantea (L.) Ait. f., occur naturalised in Australia.

Four new species of Eucalyptus (Myrtaceae) from Western Australia

GRAYLING, P.M. AND BROOKER, M.I.H., Nuytsia 8 (2): 209–218 (1992)

Four new species from the informal Eucalyptus subgenus Symphyomyrtus Pryor & Johnson are described and illustrated. E. absita is a member of the E. series Porantheroideae (Maiden) Chippendale; E. balanites has similarities to E. decipiens Endl. in the E. series Micrantherae Benth. sensu Chippendale (1988); E. annuliformis is closely related to E. drummondii Benth. in the E. series Curviptera Maiden; and E. argutifolia is a member of the E. series Rufispermae Maiden. All four species are known only from small populations in coastal and sub-coastal south-western Australia.

New species of Triodia and Plectrachne (Poaceae) from the Kimberley

JACOBS, S.W.L., Nuytsia 8 (2): 219–223 (1992)

Two new species of Triodia, T. burbidgeana and T. epactia, and two new species of Plectrachne, P. caroliniana and P. bunglensis, are described. The two Triodia species are related to T. pungens, P. caroliniana to P. schinzii, and P. bunglensis to P. bynoei. All are being described for the forthcoming “Flora of the Kimberley Region”.

Taxonomic review of the Grevillea drummondii Meissn. species group (Proteaceae)

KEIGHERY, G.J., Nuytsia 8 (2): 225–230 (1992)

The Grevillea drummondii Meissn. group previously considered as two species, G. fistulosa and G. drummondii (with three subspecies) is shown to consist of five closely related allopatric species. One new species Grevillea fuscolutea Keighery is described, and a new combination Grevillea centristigma (McGillivray) Keighery is made.

Stylidium latericola (Stylidiaceae), a new species from the Perth Region, Western Australia

KENNEALLY, K.F., Nuytsia 8 (2): 231–235 (1992)

A new species of Stylidium (Stylidiaceae) endemic to the Perth Region, namely S. lateriticola Kenneally is described and illustrated.

A new graniticolous species of Myriophyllum (Haloragaceae)

ORCHARD, A.E., Nuytsia 8 (2): 237–239 (1992)

A new species, Myriophyllum lapidicola, is described from a granite outcrop in the goldfields region of Western Australia.

Triodia pascoeana (Poaceae), a new species from the western Kimberley

SIMON, B.K., Nuytsia 8 (2): 241–243 (1992)

Triodia pascoeana, from the limestone and associated areas of the western Kimberley, is diagnosed and described as new. It is compared with some other species of Triodia, and its ecology is discussed briefly.

Philotheca citrina (Rutaceae), a new species from Western Australia

WILSON, PAUL G., Nuytsia 8 (2): 245–248 (1992)

A new species of Philotheca, that comes from the Austin Botanical District of Western Australia, is described and illustrated. Its relationship to other species of Philotheca and of Eriostemon sect. Nigrostipulae is discussed.

Acacia Miscellany 5. A review of the A. bivenosa group (Leguminosae: Mimosoideae : section Phyllodineae)

CHAPMAN, A.R. AND MASLIN, B.R., Nuytsia 8 (2): 249–283 (1992)

A key is presented to the thirteen taxa comprising the A. bivenosa group. Three new species, viz. A. didyma, A. startii and A. telmica, and one new subspecies, A. sclerosperma subsp. glaucescens, are described. Descriptions are provided for six previously published species, namely A. bivenosa DC., A. ligulata A. Cunn. ex Benth., A. rostellifera Benth., A. sclerosperma F. Muell., A. tysonii Luehm. and A. xanthina Benth. Acacia cupularis is reinstated. All species, except A. ampliceps Maslin and A. salicina Lindl., are illustrated.

Acacia Miscellany 6. Review of Acacia victoriae and related species (Leguminosae : Mimosoideae: section Phyllodineae)

MASLIN, B.R., Nuytsia 8 (2): 285–309 (1992)

A key is presented to the 10 species comprising the informal “Acacia victoriae group”. Five of these species, all from Western Australia, are described as new, namely, A. alexandri, A. aphanoclada, A. chartacea, A. ryaniana and A. synchronicia. Acacia glaucocaesia Domin (syn. A. glabripes Maiden & Blakely, non Domin) is reinstated but may ultimately prove better placed as an infraspecific taxon under A. victoriae Benth. Legumes are described for A. pickardii Tind. and a full description is given for A. dempsteri F. Muell. All species of the group are illustrated.

Calothamnus superbus T.J. Hawkeswood & F.H. Mollemans (Leptospermoideae : Myrtaceae), a new species from south-west Western Australia

HAWKESWOOD, T.J. AND MOLLEMANS, F.H., Nuytsia 8 (3): 311–318 (1992)

A new 5-merous species of Calothamnus, C. superbus Hawkeswood & Mollemans, is described from sandplains in the Pigeon Rocks area, south-west Western Australia. Its affinities with the closely related species, C. aridus T.J. Hawkeswood, are outlined, and ecological data provided. The plant is not represented in any National Parks or Nature Reserves but its survival is probably ensured due to its isolated location.

A new species of Guichenotia (Sterculiaceae) from south western Australia

KEIGHERY, G.J., Nuytsia 8 (3): 319–321 (1992)

A new species of Guichenotia is described: G. alba Keighery confined to heathland between Cataby and Three Springs north of Perth. A key to all species is included.

Four new Drosera taxa from south western Australia

LOWRIE, A. AND MARCHANT, N.G., Nuytsia 8 (3): 323–332 (1992)

Three new species and one new subspecies of Drosera (Droseraceae) are described, D. browniana and D. stolonifera subsp. monticola (both tuberous Drosera) and D. grievei and D. sargentii (both pygmy Drosera), all endemic to south western Australia. The distinguishing characters of each are presented as well as their relationships and an indication of habitat preferences and conservation status.

New names and combinations for some Melaleuca (Myrtaceae) species and subspecies from the south-west of Western Australia considered rare or threatened

QUINN, F.C., COWLEY, K.J., BARLOW, B.A. AND THIELE, K.R., Nuytsia 8 (3): 333–350 (1992)

The paper describes or makes new combinations for several species and subspecies of Melaleuca considered to be rare or threatened. Six species and two subspecies, Melaleuca araucarioides, M. fissurata, M. ordinifolia, M. pomphostoma, M. ringens, M. sculponeata, M. viminea subsp. appressa and M. huegelii subsp. pristicensis are described as new. M. tenella Bentham is reduced to a subspecies of M. incana R. Br. and M. densa var. pritzelii Domin is raised to specific rank.

Three new species of Euphorbia L. subgenus Chamaesyce Rafinesque (Euphorbiaceae) from central and northern Australia

THOMSON, B.G., Nuytsia 8 (3): 351–360 (1992)

Euphorbia centralis from central Australia, E. maconochieana from the Victoria River and E. kimberleyensis from the northern Kimberley region are described, illustrated and their affinities with related species discussed. E. vaccaria Baillon is lectotypified.

The Lawrencella complex (Asteraceae : Gnaphalieae : Angianthinae) of Australia

WILSON, PAUL G., Nuytsia 8 (3): 361–377 (1992)

The Lawrencella complex includes the monotypic genera Bellida and Schoenia, several species included by Bentham in Helichrysum sect. Lawrencella, and one species previously placed in both Helichrysum and Podolepis. It is considered to be a natural group clearly distinct from other members of the Angianthinae. Three genera are here recognised: Bellida, Lawrencella, and Schoenia. One subspecies is described as new; four new species combinations are made.

The classification of Australian species currently included in Helipterum and related genera (Asteraceae : Gnaphalieae) : Part 1

WILSON, PAUL G., Nuytsia 8 (3): 379–438 (1992)

The name Helipterum DC. is recognised as being illegitimate and not applicable to Australian taxa. The Australian species currently included in that genus and in the related genera Cephalipterum, Gilberta, Triptilodiscus and Pterochaeta are reclassified. One genus, Haptotrichion, is described as new. Under Rhodanthe 11 sections are recognised of which 1 is new and 10 are new combinations. Eight new species of Rhodanthe and one new species of Haptotrichion are described, these are R. ascendens, R. collina, R. cremea, R. gossypina, R. nullarborensis, R. psammophila, R. rufescens, R. sphaerocephala and H. colwillii. A number of new species combinations are made. Descriptions are given for each of the recognised genera and sections.