Volume 12
Volume 12 Number 1 (17 February 1998)
The Hakea pedunculata group of species (Proteaceae) and a new subspecies of Hakea stenophylla from Western Australia
BARKER, R.M., Nuytsia 12 (1): 1–8 (1998)
A trial key and notes on Tribulus (Zygophyllaceae) in Australia, including one new species and validation of Tribulus suberosus
BARKER, R.M., Nuytsia 12 (1): 9–35 (1998)
A new species of Utricularia (Lentibulariaceae) from the south-west of Western Australia
LOWRIE, A., Nuytsia 12 (1): 37–41 (1998)
A taxonomic review of the Stylidium caricifolium complex (Stylidiaceae), from south-west Western Australia
LOWRIE, A., COATES, D.J. AND KENNEALLY, K.F., Nuytsia 12 (1): 43–57 (1998)
A taxonomic revision of the genus Byblis (Byblidaceae) in northern Australia
LOWRIE, A. AND CONRAN, J.G., Nuytsia 12 (1): 59–74 (1998)
Three new species of triggerplant (Stylidium: Stylidiaceae) from south-west Western Australia
LOWRIE, A. AND KENNEALLY, K.F., Nuytsia 12 (1): 75–82 (1998)
Nomenclatural notes and new taxa in the genera Asterolasia, Drummondita and Microcybe (Rutaceae: Boronieae)
WILSON, PAUL G., Nuytsia 12 (1): 83–88 (1998)
Notes on the genus Correa (Rutaceae)
WILSON, PAUL G., Nuytsia 12 (1): 89–105 (1998)
Diplolaena (Rutaceae), new taxa and nomenclatural notes
WILSON, PAUL G., ARMSTRONG, J.A. AND GRIFFIN, E.A., Nuytsia 12 (1): 107–118 (1998)
New names and new taxa in the genus Boronia (Rutaceae) from Western Australia, with notes on seed characters
WILSON, PAUL G., Nuytsia 12 (1): 119–154 (1998)
Illecebrum verticillatum (Caryophyllaceae), a new record for Australia
WILSON, PAUL G., Nuytsia 12 (1): 155–156 (1998)
Volume 12 Number 2 (16 September 1998)
Dedication to Paul Graham Wilson
MARCHANT, N.G., Nuytsia 12 (2): 161 (1998)
Beaufortia aestiva (Myrtaceae): a new species from the northern kwongan of the South-West Botanical Province, Australia
BROOKS, K.J., BURBIDGE, A.A. AND GEORGE, A.S., Nuytsia 12 (2): 163–169 (1998)
Sphaerolobium pubescens and Sphaerolobium rostratum (Leguminosae: Mirbelieae), new species from Western Australia
BUTCHER, R., Nuytsia 12 (2): 171–178 (1998)
Brachyloma nguba (Epacridaceae), a new species from the south-west of Western Australia
CRANFIELD, R.J., Nuytsia 12 (2): 179–183 (1998)
Xanthosia eichleri, a new species of Apiaceae from Western Australia
HART, J.M., Nuytsia 12 (2): 185–189 (1998)
Notes on the genus Lepidium (Brassicaceae) in Western Australia, including recognition of a new species, L. amelum
LEPSCHI, B.J., Nuytsia 12 (2): 191–195 (1998)
Three new triggerplant species in Stylidium subgenus Centridium (Stylidiaceae) from Western Australia
LOWRIE, A. AND KENNEALLY, K.F., Nuytsia 12 (2): 197–206 (1998)
A taxonomic revision of Dicrastylis sect. Dicrastylis (Lamiaceae subfamily Chloanthoideae)
RYE, B.L. AND TRUDGEN, MALCOLM E., Nuytsia 12 (2): 207–228 (1998)
Anthotium odontophyllum (Goodeniaceae), a new species from Western Australia
SAGE, L.W., Nuytsia 12 (2): 229–231 (1998)
New subspecies of Goodenia drummondii and G. laevis (Goodeniaceae) from the south-west of Western Australia
SAGE, L.W., Nuytsia 12 (2): 233–238 (1998)
A taxonomic review of the genera Eriostemon and Philotheca (Rutaceae: Boronieae)
WILSON, PAUL G., Nuytsia 12 (2): 239–265 (1998)
New species and nomenclatural changes in Phebalium and related genera (Rutaceae)
WILSON, PAUL G., Nuytsia 12 (2): 267–288 (1998)
Taxonomy of Diplopeltis huegelii (Sapindaceae)
KEIGHERY, G.J., Nuytsia 12 (2): 289–292 (1998)
A new subspecies of Grevillea variifolia (Proteaceae)
KEIGHERY, G.J., Nuytsia 12 (2): 293–295 (1998)
Two new synonyms in the genus Pityrodia (Lamiaceae subfamily Chloanthoideae)
RYE, B.L. AND TRUDGEN, MALCOLM E., Nuytsia 12 (2): 297–300 (1998)
Status and identification of Goodenia filiformis (Goodeniaceae)
SAGE, L.W. AND PIGGOTT, J.P., Nuytsia 12 (2): 301–302 (1998)
The name Leptorhynchos linearis and the type of Leptorhynchos (Asteraceae)
WILSON, PAUL G., Nuytsia 12 (2): 303–305 (1998)
Volume 12 Number 3 (8 June 1999)
Dedication to Richard Somner Cowan, 23 January 1921-17 November 1997
MASLIN, B.R., Nuytsia 12 (3): 309–310 (1999)
Acacia miscellany. 16, the taxonomy of fifty-five species of Acacia, primarily Western Australian, in section Phyllodineae (Leguminosae: Mimosoideae)
MASLIN, B.R., Nuytsia 12 (3): 311–411 (1999)
Acacia miscellany. 17, miscellaneous new taxa and lectotypifications in Western Australian Acacia, mostly section Plurinerves (Leguminosae: Mimosoideae)
COWAN, R.S. AND MASLIN, B.R., Nuytsia 12 (3): 413–452 (1999)
Acacia miscellany. 18, the taxonomy of miscellaneous species of with sharply pungent phyllodes in Acacia section Plurinerves (Leguminosae: Mimosoideae)
COWAN, R.S. AND MASLIN, B.R., Nuytsia 12 (3): 453–467 (1999)
Acacia miscellany. 19, the taxonomy of some Western Australian species of Acacia section Juliflorae with 4-merous flowers (Leguminosae: Mimosoideae)
MASLIN, B.R. AND CHAPMAN, A.R., Nuytsia 12 (3): 469–486 (1999)
Acacia miscellany. 20, descriptions of three new Western Australian species of Acacia section Juliflorae (Leguminosae: Mimosoideae)
CHAPMAN, A.R. AND MASLIN, B.R., Nuytsia 12 (3): 487–491 (1999)
Acacia amputata, a new Western Australian species in section Pulchellae (Leguminosae: Mimosoideae)
MASLIN, B.R., Nuytsia 12 (3): 493 (1999)